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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Good movie, good friends, good evening

Well, we finally saw March of the Penguins. We went with Bob, , , and , and had hoped that and would get there on time, but they were coming all the way from DE and didn’t make it %\ The movie? It was great! I think it’s the first nature documentary I’ve ever seen […]

Google Money

I got my first check from Google today. $112.80. Woo!

Beer tasting

Last night was fun. I got home around 5:30 and went upstairs to hide in the air conditioned computer room because it was so hot. I checked online to see the temperature, the reading at 5:29 it was 92 degrees. Then the thunderstorm came. Our UPSes beeped, internet connection shuddered, and the thunder shook the […]


I haven’t been in the best mood, I know it’s because of the heat. I’ve been getting headaches daily from going in and out of air conditioning, so I’ve been downing the Advil a bit more than I should. And I keep bumping into things. I’m naturally clumsy, but normally I can pay close enough […]


I really wasn’t going to complain about the heat. But today it’s in the mid 90s, heat index over 100, humid, sunny. And our fire alarm here at work went off. We were just outside in the parking lot here at work for over a half hour. Fire trucks came. It was a false alarm. […]

Bowling on Sunday

I think the next time someone suggests that we go bowling I’m going to need to pass. My right leg is killing me, and my right arm isn’t doing much better. I really didn’t want to get out of bed this morning %) I hung out with , her sister, her sister’s husband, and their […]

Valley Forge and Good Beer

I felt crappy this morning. Not sick (although I was a bad host last night at movie night and went to bed with a sinus headache), I just felt sluggish and lousy. I didn’t feel like doing anything on the computer but browse email, journals and news sites. I didn’t feel like reading, I didn’t […]

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Last night we went to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in the theater. Michael picked up , we met at home and drove out to KOP to meet and . We intended to go to the IMAX showing of it, but by the time we got there it was sold out! I was pretty […]

Having a new car

It’s so nice to have a second car finally. We’d been talking about it for months, doing research into new and used, but nothing prepared me for how great it would be once we had it. No dragging Michael out of bed early on days he works from home so he can drive me in, […]

Buying a car

Now I have some time to talk about the car buying. On Saturday we decided to head over to the Toyota dealership where we got the Rav4. They were having a big sale, the whole employee discount thing on Toyotas, plus “extra savings and low financing.” We figured we should check it out, even if […]