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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


The insurance is changed, the papers are signed, our new baby is home. It’s the 2005 Value Package 2-door Honda Civic, a very car car. Exactly what we wanted, no frills commuting car. Manual transmission, which I’ll need to learn how to drive, so Michael’s going to be the primary driver for now. I get […]

Happy Hour

I haven’t been posting much this week. Nothing I’ve been thinking about is quantifiable yet. I’ve tried to start writing about it but then it comes out wrong. And it takes time to organize thoughts that have been bouncing around in your head without leaving anything important out. So instead of trying to sort that […]


It’s the 13th of July. Happy I have Health Insurance again day! Now I can go to the eye doctor, and the dentist, and all sorts of fun stuff. Oh I hate the dentist %(

Wrong shoes

I was so tired this morning that I put on the wrong shoes (old sneakers instead of the nice shoes I usually wear). Best of all, I didn’t notice until just now.


One day we were driving and I saw a Lukoil gas station. Lukoil? Who the heck is that? I didn’t think much of it. Then saw another. And another. They were popping up everywhere, seemingly overnight! It started to get really weird. When I mentioned it to Michael, he speculated that they were the big […]

R2Q5, cleaning, and family

Well, we didn’t end up going to see March of the Penguins, Michael got stuck doing work. It sucked, much moreso for him than me, of course. We’re thinking that we might go down to the city sometime this week after work, shouldn’t be difficult to make it to a 7:20 showing and get home […]

You know you want to see the penguins

March of the Penguins opens today in Philadelpha. I was excited to go tomorrow with the usual friends, but they all suck (hehe) and are busy. I can’t believe they are too busy for penguins! The only place it’s playing at is the Ritz 5 at 214 Walnut street (see here). The showtimes are 1:20, […]


I went to my first sweat lodge last night. Michael picked me up from work and we drove down to Malvern to get there a little before 7. As a whole it went well, I was being my usual “anxious and not talking” thing that I do whenever I am around a lot of people […]

Happy Birthday Michael!

Love you myn (%

Stupid Mond… er, Tuesday

I came into work this morning and frowned at all the stuff I had on my desk. Spent most of the morning going through it and waiting for the morning mail to come so we could move on with our normal daily work (yay for fiscal month end). Now my desk is piled with so […]