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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Firefox extensions

I’m exploring firefox extensions. What do you use and why do you love it?

house, friends, and digital photo processing

The weekend has been productive. Saturday was spent doing a lot of cleaning the house and organizing our bedroom and the new dresser. Michael spent the day outside working on the yard, finally got rid of the rest of our big mulch pile. He also attempted to clean the huge old rug that we had […]

Recent home purchases

While we were at Whole Foods the other night browsing the cheese section, I saw an oven thermometer. The temperature on our oven is off, usually about 50 degrees over, but it changes with what temp I set it at, very tricky, especially since I’m not the most experienced cook. Several people have suggested that […]

MBM Show

I went, I saw, I heard, I got the t-shirt. I got out of work on Monday at 3 so we could hop on a train to Philly for the Meat Beat Manifesto show. The train ride was typical, when we left Market East Station we went directly to dinner at the Independence Brew Pub […]


I felt sore when I got out of bed this morning. After leaving the air-conditioned bedroom I started feeling awful. My stomach was killing me and I just wanted to go back to bed. Alas, I have no sick days and figured it was just the heat making me feel lousy. The cool car ride […]

Cataloging software

So we have tons of books, movies, and CDs. I’d like to catalog them somehow, but all the F/OSS that I’ve found either is clunky and under-developed or much more than I need (I’m not an actual library afterall). I’ve gone through this several times, still no solutions. Any suggestions before I decide to write […]

Friends, food and animals

Ah, weekend. Friday night Michael and I drove down to Media for movie night at and ‘s place, also joined us down there. We arrived a bit late, so the pizza was there when we got there, and so we ate first. Pizza was good, a bit greasy (boy did I pay for it later). […]

Updated debian mplayer how-to

If I have a “claim to fame” at all in the linux world it’s for my Debian Mplayer How-To. It all started when I was running Debian Woody in early 2003. I spent an entire morning pulling my hair out trying to get mplayer compiled from scratch with the newly released quicktime codecs. There were […]

Because they are Bibles

While eating lunch my supervisor popped into my cube and said “It’s beautiful out, sunny, warm, not humid!” I finished my lunch and grabbed my bag to go for a walk downtown. I had a half dozen old CDs in my bag that I wanted to get rid of, so first I walked down to […]

“The Education of Shelby Knox”

On friday I was watched an interview of Shelby Knox done by David Brancaccio on Now. It was a good interview, and she was a very articulate young woman. They mentioned a P.O.V. episode that would be airing about her work to get sex education in Lubbock, Texas public schools. This is an issue that […]