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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Transcendental Meditation (or how I accidentally bought a cult book)

While taking a walk in downtown Lansdale Monday during my lunchbreak I stopped in the local thrift shop. I’m not much of a thrift shop person, but they have a lot of books, and even a scifi section that sometimes has good books, and at 25 cents each it’s worth it even if they aren’t. […]

Bad wine

This wine sucks. Pinot Grigio is my favorite white, but this stuff tasted like cheese. Yes, cheese. It was horrible. We thought about just drinking it anyway, but after a glass each it was trashed. Yuck!

Back to Debian

I decided to get away from Gentoo due to lack of time. I only have a couple precious hours in the evening, and the last thing I want to be doing is constantly spending my time on system maintenance and compiling stuff. When I get home and want to play with new programs and install […]

Sweet Debian

< SuaveIV> anyone want a Ubuntu 5.04 CD? <+pleia2> I’m trying to decide if I want to go back to Debian or go to Ubuntu <+pleia2> still leaning toward plain old Debian <%EvilAshe> debian sounds sweeter <%EvilAshe> use that <+pleia2> k <%EvilAshe> it makes me think of a cupcake

Hormones warp mirrors

“I don’t have anything to wear to upcoming concerts.” “Just wear shorts, that’s what I’m doing.” “I don’t have any good ones anymore.” “Don’t you have a pair of jeans?” “No.” “Do you want to go shopping tonight?” “Sigh. I guess.” This exchange took place last night after work. I needed clothes. So we headed […]

March of the Penguins

Why didn’t I know about this sooner? Apparently it’s being released in Philly on July 8th, who’s coming with us? %D EDIT Link to movie site: marchofthepenguins.com

Reading Rut

I read a lot of books. Most mornings before work I find some time to squeeze in a few pages, some evenings I read myself to sleep. On weekends I usually spend a couple hours a day with my nose in some book. But last night when I went to read I groaned. Wait, brain, […]

MBM @ The Troc

Our tickets came today! %D


Last night I started to get a sore throat, then a cough. Ugh, allergies. Hot weather always makes them worse. I stayed in the air conditioning most of the evening, and around 10 decided to go to bed. I was feeling pretty crappy so I went to find the Benadryl. We had none. Arg. Ok, […]

Scanned and Mulched

I am so beat, I want to take a nap. On Friday afternoon I received some packages in the mail (it was quite a week for packages!). One was from my grandfather, a whole box full of papers, must be a couple hundred, that he’s written over the years with a focus on european roots […]