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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Family Treasures

When I was up in Maine for my father’s memorial service we went through the storage place that was being rented. It had all the stuff from our old house, most of it was junk as far as I was concerned, but there were a few things I wanted. My Aunt Meg was kind enough […]

Keeping up with mail

I’m on a bunch of mailing lists, but since I started working full time I haven’t had the time to keep up with them all. This was annoying, I’d eventually spend a whole Saturday morning or something catching up, and then want to reply to something and notice that it’s a month old. Doh. Now […]

RIP Angel

We had just walked in the door, it was hot, I had worked late. I wasn’t in the mood to pick it up the phone (land line) when it rang. It’s just family that calls that line anyway. Turns out it was my mother, she had bad news for me. She had to put Angel […]

Random thoughts on a hot evening

I wasn’t going to complain about the heat because I’ve been complaining a lot lately, but I can’t help it. I hate hot weather. It’s after 9 and the temp is still over 80, humidity above 50%. Michael and I are hanging out up here in the computer room, where we have the A/C on. […]


Perhaps I should turn on the AC.

Great, productive weekend

We had quite a busy weekend. Friday night we went over to a friend’s house to hang out. I had a nice time, had a couple fruity drinks (ice, vodka and strawberry daquari mix), late in the evening and I did a couple shots of Slivovitz, oh I do love that plum brandy. Saturday morning […]


I was browsing a friend’s website this morning and followed a link to buyblue.org. Within two minutes I found myself reading an article about how evil Wal-Mart is, and laughing to myself about it because I know how evil they are. Then it hit me. I’ve been really bitter lately. So many posts about how […]


I had the biggest craving for a chicken cheese steak hoagie for lunch. Only trouble was that it\u2019s raining today and the Pizzeria is 4 blocks away. Then I remembered I have a raincoat with a hood. So I called up the restaurant, placed my chicken cheese steak hoagie order, and put on my raincoat […]

Mmm four day work week.

It’s been a pretty good week so far. I haven’t slept as well as I normally do, but it hasn’t seemed to bother me any. Tuesday after work we went grocery shopping. When we got home Michael got out his drill and we hung the ropes along the side of the garage for our hops, […]


I’m not depressed anymore. It’s good to feel normal again %) I’m going for a walk.