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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

“THEN we have a girl!”

I’ve been on IRC since 1998, there is no public forum I feel more comfortable on. Over the years I’ve managed to get involved with tech groups that are female-oriented and very female-friendly. From time to time I even allow myself to forget that female geeks are rare. I’m not used to not running into […]

Memorial Day Weekend

Saturday was a beautiful day. I spent the morning cleaning the house, while Michael went to a few stores to run errands. When he returned I began mowing the lawn and he got to work on the concrete patching that needed to be done on the side of our porch. By 1 we were close […]

It’s dripping out

It’s not raining. It’s just cloudy and sometimes drips fall from the sky. I debated going for a walk during this lunch break, but figured it would start pouring as soon as I got halfway through my normal walk. I’m sure my new raincoat would have treated me good, but it’s not long enough to […]


When Michael and I got engaged we had to start thinking about what our wedding would be like. As most everyone reading this will know, I’m an atheist and Michael’s agnostic, a traditional church wedding is out of the question. But I’m all about tradition, I love my diamond engagement ring, I want a white […]

Nuts and Googles

Michael set up SquirrelMail for me this weekend. Previously I was unable to check my princessleia.com email address at work, but now I can! It’s a pretty basic web mail service, looks and feels a lot like Yahoo! did way back in the day. Michael mentioned a few days back that he wished google would […]

Star Wars again

Last night I went to see Star Wars again. I couldn’t help it, Michael was at work all day and I spent the day hanging out with a friend who brought over the Clone Wars cartoon dvds (which I hadn’t seen). When Michael called to say he’d be home very late said friend mentioned that […]

Rubber stamp – 1, Lyz – 0

My batch number stamp was getting dry, so I asked the woman in the cubicle next to mine if she knew how to refill it. She showed me were to turn the screw on the side of it and gave me the tiny bottle of black ink that is used to refill it. She warned […]

And so it ends. Some spoilers.

The midnight showing was fun, I brought my stuffed animal ewok. There were people dressed up, people with lightsabers, and as always at midnight showings, cheering and clapping at appropriate times in the film, and that really adds to the excitement. You’re in a theater packed with 300 other people who are just as pumped […]


Holy crap. PrincessLeia.com is getting tons of traffic. Over 12,000 hits yesterday, usual is half that, or less. For once my Star Wars sections rival my mplayer how-to for popularity. I guess I should have anticipated this %)

Star Wars

On my way to work there was a report on NPR about Star Wars. *glee* They were interviewing people who were camping out for it. They had some quotes from critics saying it’s better than the first two prequels, and that fans would be happy with this “final” installment. Then they had a full review, […]