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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Geeky media and car browsing.

We got around to watching Long Game, the 7th episode of the new Doctor Who series yesterday afternoon. It was great, and it had Tamsin Greig (Fran from Black Books) and Simon Pegg (Shaun of Shaun of the Dead)! Ah good stuff. I love this new series, we have episode 8 too, might watch it […]

Jonn Serrie! And the rest of my week

I’ve had another busy week. Monday I stayed late at work. Tuesday we drove out to Lancaster for a pagan meetup that didn’t pan out, a real disappointment, but on our way home we stopped for dinner at The Drafting Room in Exton to have a nice dinner. Wednesday and Thursday night.. what did I […]

Hitchhikers review and Star Wars!

Friday night was movie night. Since Michael had other plans I invited everyone over to our house for the evening, Baerana, b2s and mj ended up coming over. We had pizza, peach lambic, and watched the last season of Coupling. It was a good night. Yesterday morning I got up and went out to work […]


You don’t notice how much tap water influences your life until it sucks. When we first moved into our house one of the first things we noticed was how awful the tap water was. Not only was it hard, but it tasted yucky. It’s city water, and nothing is wrong with it from a health […]

The seductive power of macs

While on vacation I was able to spend some time drooling over Bob and Morgana’s 17 inch powerbooks. Bob isn’t a crazy mac-head, in fact he was laughing at all the people who ran out and got Tiger and were complaining that things weren’t perfect. He’s got a BSD background, and told me that he […]

Trip to New England – Part Two

Friday morning we got up around 7 to shower, iron our nice clothes, pack everything into the car, and drive up to Maine for the memorial service at 11. The ride up took a little longer than expected and we arrived just 5 minutes before the service. I had mixed feelings about the service itself. […]

Trip to New England – Part One

*so tired* And I don’t have time to write this whole trip up in one sitting. The trip went pretty much as expected. It was nice seeing my Aunt Elaine, Uncle Chris, cousin Erica and her fiancee, and it was really great of them to let us stay at their house. We rented a car […]

Plans for our trip

In 24 hours we’ll be on a plane to New Hampshire. I tied up loose ends for the trip plans this morning via email. Michael reserved a car for us at Enterprise. And we even ventured to the mall last night so I could get a dress for the memorial service. Our plan is to […]

Messy wires and rhizomes

It was a good weekend, still is a good weekend. On Saturday I spent part of the morning organizing my desk area. I have two computers, hour, my primary workstation, and r2q5 which I use for a test box. hour and my UPS were beside my desk, and r2q5 was taking up room under my […]

Truth in advertising – Mr. Clean Magic Erasers

Holy crap, Mr. Clean Magic Erasers work. It’s rare that I buy something after seeing a television commercial. In fact, I think this is the first time I’ve done it in years, but after seeing all the commercials for “Magic Erasers” I decided to spend the $2 and get a couple. There were some marks […]