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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Steamed clams, soy milk and bread

Boy I was in a crankie mood yesterday. Mondays are yucky. Spring Mondays after the clocks change are yuckier. Plus, it was beautiful outside and I was stuck indoors doing work, I want to move my desk to the parking lot. When the work day was over and Michael picked me up I got into […]

Shopping and nails, recipes, and xfce4 on Ubuntu

Saturday morning took me out to do some shopping. It was fun, I don’t get to go girly shopping often, and Bae is great company. Probably the most amusing part of the trip was when we were in the mall and a woman at a kiosk offered to give me a demo of the nail […]


Last night when we got home Michael headed inside to make dinner while I got out my gardening gloves and gardening tools to move my tulips. The first thing that was obvious is that I should have moved them earlier, the roots had gone down very far, and I fear I might have cut some […]

Planning our trip to Maine

My family is holding the memorial service and spreading of ashes for my father at the end of next month. I spoke with Michael and we decided it’d be less tiring and cheaper all around if we just fly up and rent a car. The first thing I did was to check out orbitz.com for […]


I’m engaged! *glee* Sorry, I’m still excited. I came into work this morning and got to show everyone the ring and try to actually get work done instead of sitting around smiling at the ring all day %) I spent a lot of time yesterday telling people, I guess I know more people than I […]

Website and pictures of our trip

I had the day off today, so I spent a lot of time going through all our vacation pictures and putting together a little site: Our weekend in Maryland and West Virginia and our engagement! Of course there is a whole page devoted to just the proposal itself. This morning Michael took me down the […]

We’re engaged!

Yesterday afternoon at Audra State Park Michael proposed to me! I said yes! We’re now engaged! Barry took pictures of us. white gold (my favorite!) and an emerald cut diamond *so excited* I have a whole write-up of the trip, and tons of pictures, but it’ll take some time for me to get them all […]

Is it 5pm yet?

3.5 hours until my 4 day weekend. The morning went by quickly, but this afternoon is shaping up to be very dull. Tonight Michael’s mother is coming over and I’ll be making some spinach lasagne. She’ll be taking Caligula home with her so he won’t be left alone for the couple days we’re gone. There […]

Who Needs God

I haven’t been in the mood to do computer stuff this week. Instead I did some reading, and finished Who Needs God by Harold Kushner. Kushner is a Rabbi who has written a few popular books, but I hadn’t heard of him until I saw this in the library and decided to check it out. […]


Bah, Mondays. I’m exhausted today. I shouldn’t be, I’ve been getting plenty of sleep. I came into work and was mostly zombie for the first half of the morning. Then they gave me some spreadsheets to work on that I really do need to use my brain for. After mixing up the numbers a half […]