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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Pancakes, divs, indian food and next weekend

About a week ago I read Sam’s post about the best pancake ever. Yum blueberry! I love blueberries, but they’re not in season right now, so even if I could find them fresh they’d be very expensive. The solution? Frozen blueberries! Of course! Why didn’t I think of that? The last time we were at […]

Pre-spring fever

After work on Friday we stopped at the grocery store to pick up some sodas for movie night. On our way in they had a whole bunch of flowers for sale, and then I realized: Wow, spring starts in a few days! We’ve had a snowy March (in fact, there is a tiny bit of […]

Steak, rss2email and books

Last night I made steak. Yeah, I said I was going to cut it out of my diet again but apparently that isn’t going so well. As usual I made up a mustard sauce for the steaks (1/4 c. mustard, usually dijon, 2 teaspoons rosemary, 1 teaspoon pepper, 2 cloves garlic) but this time I […]

Online RSS Aggregators

Since I am not just journaling from home anymore, I decided I want to try out some of the online RSS aggregator sites out there, so I can access them from anywhere. I browsed through the newsgator site, and signed up for bloglines (haven’t played with it much though). What do other people use?

Bed & Breakfast plans

Last week we finally recieved our coupons for the Stash Tea Bed & Breakfast Offer. We learned about the offer last year when we went on vacation and stayed at a B&B that was part of the promotion. You buy 3 boxes of Stash Tea, send them in with $3.95, and they send you a […]

One year of Caligula, Ubuntu mplayer, and MST3K

Caligula is feeling better. And today marks our one year anniversary with him! We brought him home from Pharo’s Best Cattery on March 13th, 2004. Then Now He’s such a great cat %) Last night we went out with , , Barry and Rae for dinner and to see Robots. Robots was decent, if I […]

Caligula and Ubuntu

Last night Caligula seemed to be feeling better, when friends came over for movie night he came out and slept in the livingroom to be with everyone instead of hiding in the closet. Then he spent the night on the couch in front of the fireplace. This morning he was still very tired, but he […]

Caligula’s vet visit

Last night we took Caligula to the vet. They wanted a relatively fresh stool sample, so I cleaned out his litter box on Tuesday evening, assuming he’d go again before Thursday night. Nope! As disgusting as it is, I ended up grabbing old Tuesday litter bag out of the trash and getting an older “sample” […]

Veggie burgers and installing Ubuntu

For years Michael and I just ate the same veggie burgers, Flame Grilled Boca Burgers. Boca tries to be like real beef, complete with “grill marks” on some. They fall short of this (meat eaters tend to run away screaming), but I like them. But after eating the same ones every week I was starting […]


Yesterday it got up to 65 degrees F. When I left work I said: “Haha! And it’ll probably snow tomorrow!” I shouldn’t joke like that. IT’S SNOWING.