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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

R2Q5 and MythTV

My salad was definitely not enough for lunch, I’m still hungry, it’s going to be a long afternoon. At least this time I carried the dressing separate so it didn’t get all soggy. I got quite a bit of computer time this weekend, so much that I had to consult my “To Do” list to […]

Gimp 2.2, schwenksville, and the failed quiche

Lots of things have changed since gimp went 2.0 and beyond. At first I said “oh neat” and then when I started using 2.0, then 2.2 a few things jumped out at me that were really good or really annoying. I thought I’d use it for a couple weeks and see if it’s just my […]


I called Annette last night, since it was her 16th birthday. She wanted to go out and get mexican food at her favorite restaurant with a friend, but I guess it was too far away and my mother didn’t want to drive there. They went to McDonalds instead, poor thing. That’s worse than my 16th […]

My sister’s birthday and PA booze

Mmm Friday. It’s my youngest sister’s birthday today, she’s turning 16. Egads, 16! This is a big birthday for her because in Maine you can drop out of school without your parent’s consent when you’re 16, and she’s been claiming she would for a couple years. Because of her recent change of schools and tutoring […]


The other day we were listening to the radio and a brilliant young musician said he had a lot of trouble reading sheet music because he is dyslexic. What the hell, is half the world dyslexic? Why do I keep running into and finding out about people who are? Is this the neurological equivalent to […]

Feeling mopey

The past few days I’ve been feeling weird. I think it comes from a bit of stress over the weekend. It’s not even a lot of real things, I just have a horrible tendancy to blow things out of proportion in my mind and freak out about them[1]. Usually I can go through some meditation […]

A month of google adsense.

I started putting ads on my site for google adsense on January 29th. So it’s been a month. How has this trial period gone? I’ve made $24.62. It’s not going to allow me to buy a shiney new BMW, but it’s money I didn’t need to work for. Yay free money!

Losing The Doctor and books I’m reading

Over the past year or so I’ve been tuning into WYBE every Saturday night at 11pm to watch Dr. Who. I looked forward to this, since I had only seen bits and pieces of different seasons and this gave me the chance to see them all. When I tuned in last night they had bad […]

Xelium Website Design Contest

I’ve sent out some globals on Xelium, but I thought I’d mention it here on my livejournal too. Xelium is having a “contest” to decide the new design for the website. The current website is here: http://network.xelium.net The design is great, but it’s old and not expandable. So we’re doing a complete overhaul and looking […]

My headphones died.

The woman who is training me at work recommended that I bring in a cdplayer/radio to listen to while working, she told me it made the day go by quicker. So the next day I brought in a discman and some old headphones. OK, so they weren’t headphones, they are “earbuds” and I haven’t a […]