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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Today the office soundscape is full of sneezing, coughing and people blowing their nose. I guess that means a cold is starting to go around *sigh* That’s no good. *barricades self in cubicle* It’s started snowing. They are were 3-5 inches by this evening, but so far it’s not sticking. I guess this means we […]

Pandas in the rainforest?

I was at the grocery store recently looking for some handsoap. SoftSoap has this “Rainforest” line of soaps: http://www.softsoap.ca/english/brands/rainforest.shtml. This consists of 3 animals, a monkey, a parrot, and a panda. Wait, a panda? Let’s consult wikipedia: The Giant Panda lives in mountainous regions, like Sichuan and Tibet. I’m going to ask The Smithsonian Zoo: […]

Snow day off

I put the salad dressing on my salad when I made it up this morning, by lunchtime it was all soggy. Doh. Yesterday I woke up and there was 3 inches of snow on the ground. Ack. Because of the horrible roads and lousy road crews in this area I ended up calling work and […]

Been sick %\

I’ve been sick these past few days. It started on Thursday night, diarrhea, YUCK! I went to bed early because my stomach was feeling awful. Friday I went into work, wasn’t feeling the greatest and let my boss know I might not feel up to staying the whole day. I felt ok all day, and […]

Project organization

As I mentioned in a previous entry I want to start managing my time better so I can work on projects. My first step has been compiling a list of projects I want to work on, and I did that this week. Write new Address Book for internal use. This would be something running on […]

News/Blog Sites – Recommendations Wanted!

So I have this 45 minute lunch break, during this I’ve been catching up on Livejournal entries, reading theregister.co.uk, boingboing.net and browsing news.google.com… but that is getting old already, what else is out there? What are your favorite news/blog sites?

It could be worse.

The other night I was in an IRC channel where one of those ultra-liberal, Michael Moore worpshipping, “The US Sucks” guys[1] was babbling about something. I rolled my eyes and then the song “Sister Suffragette” from the Mary Poppins soundtrack played. That got me thinking. When the US was founded women and blacks were not […]

Time management

So at this new job I’m not doing techie stuff, so my techie fun time is squeezed into the few minutes before work and the couple hours of free time afterwards. So I’m trying to play around with my schedule to fit the most fun stuff in as possible. I figure I sleep about 8 […]

R2Q5, music and Mushroom-crust quiche

It started yesterday, I felt like going shopping. Shopping? What the hell? I don’t even like shopping. Well I didn’t go shopping, friends are busy. So instead I pulled R2Q5 out of storage to survey him. R2Q5 used to be collocated and we used it as a mailserver, webserver and IRC server, we brought it […]

Movie night

Last night was movie night. Michael invited his friend Bob, and b2s came up (but not Baerana because she was feeling a bit under the weather), and I also was able to contact who decided to drive up from Delaware. Earlier in the day Michael and I had gone out to get some beer, and […]