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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Recovery and Christmas

Michael came home from the hospital 10 days ago, on Saturday the 15th. Michael discusses the surgery and the recovery over on his blog in greater detail than I could. His recovery has been pretty remarkable, he needed my help getting around for the first couple days, but has since graduated to a cane which […]

Happy Birthday Caligula! And surgery update.

Today is Caligula’s 4th birthday! Michael’s been doing physical therapy at the hospital, yesterday when I arrived to visit him he was sitting up in a chair next to his bed and told me that they had him walking earlier in the day, and later in the afternoon they had him up walking again with […]

Surgery – Success!

Michael’s surgery was a success! There were some complications and the entire process took longer than expected – causing me to be at the hospital today for over 17 hours. I’m exhausted, just winding down now so I can sleep. Timeline of the day: 4:30AM – Wake up, dressed, showered, packed, sorted out all we […]


Just about to leave for the hospital for Michael’s hip replacement surgery. Everything is expected to go well, I’ll update once he’s out.


Today is the 3rd anniversary of the death of my father. I made it through most of the day OK, but I don’t think this anniversary is getting easier. I miss him.


Today I spent a bunch of time working on my Sparc on Debian. It went something like this. I don’t want to talk about it, except to say – hey the Rescue bit of the Debian Sparc Install CD works great (once I learned it existed), and I’m going to be better about running `silo` […]

Philcon 2007

I spent the weekend before last at Philcon, The Philadelphia Conference on Science Fiction and Fantasy. Nita and her younger sister Dannette let me crash in their hotel room for the weekend, which was awesome of them. We arrived Friday night and I let them “dress me up” for the evening. The major reason behind […]

Weekend with friends (Beowulf, chix), Debian on Sparc64

Another weekend spent out with friends (I’ll post about PhilCon soon)! I left home on Saturday around 2PM, after a morning of goofing off online and being lazy (which I have been doing more than normal lately). I headed down to the King of Prussia Mall where I met up with PinkFreud who was driving […]


Been busy! I promise to update properly soon. 1. 3 LUG meetings scheduled within 8 days, one of which I missed due to extraordinary traffic (accident shut down a major expressway in the area). 2. A couple much needed evenings out with friends, and lots of time recovering from my wisdom tooth surgery. 3. Wisdom […]

West Virginia Anniversary Weekend Photos

I had was going to write a bunch about this weekend we had, but now it’s been a couple weeks and it really just ended up being a nice relaxing time that both of us really needed. So – photos!