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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Road House Grill, Tandoori Chicken, and Low Fat Brownies

Over the past week I’ve overindulged a bit. Steakhouse last friday with friends, pizza Saturday, then a dinner out with Michael on Monday to celebrate my getting the new job. To celebrate we ended up a the Road House Grille in Skippack. Michael went for the steak, but I was impressed with their seafood selection […]

I’m a Google Junkie

I hope google doesn’t become evil, they do so many cool things. On Tuesday they launched maps.google.com/ for the US. It’s got the best maps I’ve ever seen online. And they’re so slick! Not done with flash or java, it’s a very impressive piece of web craftsmanship. I want to box up it’s excellence and […]

The Super Bowl and a successful job interview.

Yesterday, while we were our shopping, called us an invited us to a “Super Bowl Party” at our friends Barry and Rae’s place. Since we were in the area anyway, we went to Whole Foods to pick up some cheeses to bring to the party. We picked up some: Black Mountain Cheese (UK), Wallace & […]

Doom 3 in Linux

After reading an entry of escapenguin’s, I was reminded that there was a Doom3 installer for Linux. I remember when the installer was released, a few of my Swede friends were all excited. But I never bothered installing it because I already had it running in Windows and I didn’t want to deal with it […]

Google Adsense Week 1: Sunday, January 30, 2005 – Saturday, February 5, 2005

Average earnings per day: $1.59 Total for week: $10.35 As I had suspected, my daily earnings increased when I started taking the time to carefully place ads on pages where I believed people might actually click, rather than mindlessly including them on all pages. We’ll have to see how this progresses, if this is how […]

Movie night

Yesterday and b2s “kidnapped” me so I wouldn’t be home alone all day. It was fun. We ended up going to a Lone Star Steakhouse for lunch with (had planned on going to Outback, but apparently they aren’t open for lunch). They have tastey chicken sandwiches. Afterwards mj went back to work and the rest […]

Ogg Vorbis, Google Adsense…

An ‘Ogg’ is a tactical maneuver from the network game ‘Netrek’ that has entered common usage in a wider sense… Vorbis, on the other hand is named after the Terry Pratchett character from the book Small Gods. – http://www.xiph.org/xiphname.html After reading Small Gods a few months back I wondered where they got the names. Nanny […]

Trying new foods

Since I have cut beef out of my diet again I decided it’s time to once again expand my dinner menu. Right now we eat: Tacos: homemade soft tortilla shells, refried beans or Morningstar Farms meatless crumbles, lettuce, tomato, chedder cheese, sour cream. Spaghetti: homemade tomato sauce, cooked pasta, parmesean cheese, side salad, garlic bread […]

Issues with writing

For many years I had self-esteem problems. It’s a pretty common thing, especially for geeks, so I don’t feel so bad about admitting it anymore. Since leaving high school in 1999 I’ve tried to overcome the self-esteem issues. I had a breakthrough almost 4 years ago when recovering from a bad breakup, for a couple […]

The Franklin Institute

Today Michael took me to The Franklin Institute! I’ve wanted to go since I saw a PBS special about it a few months ago, and since both of us were feeling restless here at home we figured it’d be a good day. And it was! Even with all the kids running underfoot I had a […]