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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


My feet get cold. Dead cold. I think I inherited bad circulation from my mother. When my feet are cold my whole body is cold, so I often wear socks. I am not a big fan of socks, they aren’t thick enough, what I needed was slippers! So for the past few months I’ve been […]


Last night I was finishing up work, packing up my bag and walked to the front door. It was snowing. SNOWING? That wasn’t in the forecast! Worst of all, it was 5 pm, and traffic in this area is bad. Did I say bad? It’s worse than that. Traffic in the Philadelphia area can be […]

My crankie stomach

When I was 13 I started getting very severe heartburn. I was lucky to have a father very familiar with acid reflux to notice the symptoms and show me the bottle of tums. After one especially notable spaghetti dinner, where my chest hurt so much that I cried, I finally let my mother set up […]


The snow started a little before 10 am yesterday, and is just now stopping. We ended up with 10 inches (25.4 cm). I spent part of the day working on CSS stuff, I should really pick up a book on CSS, the stuff at csszengarden is pretty amazing, I’d like to make princessleia.com have such […]

milk drinks and snow

Ouch x_X I know quite well that I shouldn’t have too much dairy, it makes my stomach miserable. But every once in a while I binge and relearn how awful it makes me feel, like last night. It was movie night at our house, and we had a few friends over, we were having fun. […]


Tonight I tried a new recipe that I found online. It was for Chicken & Broccoli Manicotti. Once I figured out what manicotti was I was ready to go. We picked up the needed ingredients at the grocery store on Sunday and tonight I made it up. Success! But I didn’t take a picture because […]

use_ssl = “yes”

Our MythTV box is up and running. Michael spent a good part of the weekend working on it (details here, it’s really cool). So now I can watch any movies from our digital library on the tv with a remote *glee* This also means that the media server is stable again. I always run irssi […]

Harry Potter and a currency converter, finally!

A friend of mine recently loaned me the first four books of the Harry Potter series. I kept meaning to read them, but was reluctant to buy them when so many people had copies. This friend loaned me the UK Editions. UK Editions? Apparently they’re different, most notably the title of the first is Harry […]

The mourning process… guilt.

I was sitting at work earlier this week, people came back to the office after their daily lunch trip and someone had bought a strawberry shake. A strawberry shake is something my father asked for while we were visiting him at the hospital. Annette went to go get one, asked at the cafeteria, at the […]


Man, I’m tired. I haven’t slept well this week, I don’t know why. I cut out all caffeine Tuesday in an attempt to sleep better, but it hasn’t really helped (and it’s made it quite hard to make it til 5pm at work). I thought I’d be exhausted enough wednesday night to sleep well, but […]