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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Kill Bill, fish, catster, wallace and gromit, Caligula….

So I finally say Kill Bill Volumes 1 & 2. They were fun to watch, definately Tarantino movies though, which makes them hard for me to rate on a 1-10 scale. They’re on the high end, but I really can’t decide if I just liked them or loved them. Maybe I’ll need to watch again […]


I often write book reviews for publishers so they will send the Philly Chix group more free books. I thought for a while that them sending books for “just a simple review” was a loss on their end, but I’ve wisened up a bit. Reviews aren’t “simple” for most people, with a job and other […]

Sunday evening out

Well, this year isn’t starting out as wonderful as I wanted it to, but it’s not all bad. Sunday I was feeling restless, I think it was because it was the last day of my vacation. So I asked Michael if he was in the mood to go out to dinner. It was up to […]

A lousy book and fixing Net::IRC bot

I rarely stop reading a book in the middle because I dislike it (the last one was Preternatural, awful awful!). I guess I’ve been lucky recently to have good recommendations from friends so I don’t often stumble upon bad books. When I saw a copy of The Difference Engine by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling […]

New years eve party at mct and Nita’s

Oh I hurt. But it’s all good, I had fun last night. We arrived at and ‘s place around 8. I bought my desktop system, and Michael brought his laptop. It seems laptops were the popular choice for this lan party, only two of us had desktop systems out of about a dozen people. Sheesh. […]

Oh, and Caligula loves paper bags

Viruses, and how AOL did a good thing

I was watching TV the other night, and a commercial for AOL came on. Like any self-respecting geek I have no love for AOL, but what did interest me was their new offer, free anti-virus software. I went to their site, and it’s not just a cheesy anti-virus scanner that they created, they’re actually giving […]

Orbach, books, and computers

We got into the car yesterday afternoon to go to our friends house, turned on NPR and got going. We happened to turn it on in the middle of this report “‘Law and Order’ Star Jerry Orbach Dies”. Because it was the middle of the report, we didn’t realize what the point of it was, […]

2004, Caligula is so pretty, and plans for today

I feel as thought the quality of my blog has gone down. I don’t have as much time for it as I used to, so when I sit down my thoughts tend to pour out in a jumbled mess. This jumbled mess isn’t helping my writing skills any. I think I am going to try […]

Fix0ring Gentoo

Over the Christmas holiday weekend I spent some time eating fish, snuggling by the fire, reading, and fighting with gentoo unstable. Apparently Gentoo Unstable is normally fine to use, but over the past couple weeks I’ve encountered a few problems that were making me crazy. I considered reinstalling to get back to stable. I even […]