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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Feeling lousy and PDA shopping.

I haven’t been feeling very “me” lately. It’s probably because this month has just been lousy. When things get lousy I get lazy and eat food that’s bad for me, I stop doing things I enjoy and end up sleeping and watching TV. Although these things feel right at the time, they end up just […]

My nose won’t stop running, I keep getting sinus headaches, I’m coughing my lungs out, everything aches. Goddammit I have a cold again! Even worse, this week is a crazy busy week at work because of the holiday, more calls to make, less time to make them. Oh and if I call in sick to […]

Office party, cookies, and getting prints of digital pictures.

Last night’s dinner at La Famiglia Ristorante was great. I wasn’t so sure how it’d be, because I have only casually met a couple people from that office, and I’m horrible shy with people I don’t know. We got there a few minutes early, only one other guy was there. Soon enough more people arrived, […]

What do you mean I need to dress formally?

Tonight we’re going to a company dinner provided by a company Michael does work for. The dinner is being hosted at La Famiglia Ristorante in Philadelphia, and we need to dress formally. Dress formally? Egads, I haven’t done that in years! So I looked in my closet. Being more geek and girly, I don’t have […]

Gossip, bad music and a surreal spam book

Working in an office with a bunch of women is an interesting experience. In the past it’s either been retail work, which had plenty of women, or an office populated by men (when I was doing web development work). So when I first got this job I wasn’t sure what to expect. Sure I had […]

Happy 1st Birthday Caligula!

This past week

First off, thanks to everyone who commented on that last entry, it helped. On Tuesday night I talked to my Aunt Elaine about my father’s passing. I also let other members of the family know, so I spent a lot of time talking online as well. My sister Heather is taking it hard of course, […]

My father passed away this evening. My aunt called me on my cellphone when Michael and I were in the car, coming home from work this evening to let me know. He’d been ill for quite a long time and I knew this day was coming, but nothing quite prepares you for when the day […]

King Arthur and Christmas Trees

I was sick this week, but I’m getting better now. Yesterday I came home from work a couple hours early because I felt crappy. Most of my problem is a sore throat and sinus headache, some congestion. I guess this is my first cold of the season. I slept most of the day today. I […]

Our trip to New England

Last night we got home from our trip to New England. I was exhausted, but I found enough energy to wash the new sheets we got from L.L. Bean. We left home on Wednesday morning. First drove 202 through New Jersey, which wasn’t so bad. Then up 287 to 87 to 84. Ugh, I-84. 84 […]