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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

On Vacation

We dropped Caligula off at Michael’s mother’s last night. *sniff* I miss him already! Now we’re finishing our packing and getting to leave for New Hampshire. I hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving! I’ll be back late Sunday night.

Shark Tale and Modulated R2D2

I had a fun day yesterday. I woke up and did some playing with Perl, then messaged me on IRC to see if I wanted to do anything. Yay! We ended up going out with . We ate at Fridays, then wandered to the Quarkertown Market where I picked up a CD and some toys […]

Work, movie nights, linux streaming media, R2D2

I had a mostly lousy week at work. It dragged on, and with a holiday call schedule we were all going nuts. I’m just glad I won’t be there next week, when things are such to be much more insane. Well it’s over now, and even though I was crazy busy at work yesterday, I […]

A lousy day and an interesting Catholic

Yesterday was a stupid day. One thing after another at work, lousy news regarding a job prospect when coming home, weather and traffic were too crappy to go down to Media to spend time with friends, THEN I got home realized I hadn’t defrosted the spinach for dinner (ok, sometimes having a microwave would be […]

Fish and The Prophet

The other night we went to Fins, Feathers, Paws and Claws to pick up some catfood and check out their fish selection. We left with a bag of catfood, 2 tins of cat treats, 4 toy mice (Caligula’s Favorite), some tropical fish food, and two angel fish. The tank is quite a bit more lively […]

Leaf vacuums and The Incredibles

I am so exhausted, can hardly stay focused enough to write this *yawn* and it’s only 8pm! I can’t go to bed yet. Yesterday I started raking the leaves, quickly realizing that it’d be quite a chore. It’s great living with lots of trees, but man, when the fall comes, you can’t even see our […]

customizing xfce4, liferea, and new favicons

My journal has been sadly devoid of computer fun entries lately. I just haven’t had time to play with my computer so much, I hadn’t even customized xfce4 since my reinstall a few weeks ago, and that’s sad! Well I remedied that, and did a few other fun things this morning. I was sick of […]

Farmer fish

Our algae eater eats cucumbers because there aren’t any other fish in his tank, so it doesn’t get dirty enough to keep him fed. During the party last weekend I looked into the fishtank and saw a green stick with what looked like a cucumber seed on the top of it. “That’s strange” I thought, […]

The election.

I thought about not writing my feelings about this election. My views are either shared by you (making my mutterings nothing new), or you will completely attack every sentence I put down as some crazy liberal ranting. But then I realized that there was too much going on in my head to ignore. It’s my […]

Ugh, what a mess.