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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Election Day

It’s election day here in the States. I must admit I’m a bit anxious, and worried. Especially after talking to a Bush supporter last night who seemed to regurgitate everything I’ve ever seen in pro-Bush media and commercials. He claimed that I shouldn’t try and debate him (not that I wanted to, but these things […]

Halloween party

Happy Halloween! We had our party yesterday. A couple guys we knew from Michael’s old workplace came by, as did our friends b2s, , , , and . So it was a smaller party than we had anticipated (2 others had a death in the family, 2 were sick, 2 were unable to come at […]

“It’s October 29th, of course we don’t have Halloween stuff!”

I should be sleeping, but I woke up and couldn’t fall back to sleep. *yawn* Last night we went out to get some party stuff, and I thought I’d get some additions to my witch costume for the party. We went to Wal-Mart, since they’re the closest store to our house that’d have everything (yeah, […]

Geek in the workplace, and halloween party plans.

The word “Geek” was used as an insult at work yesterday. I must be losing perspective. I socialize with geeks, I used to work with geeks, I party with geeks, I work on projects with geeks. Somewhere along the line I came to believe that geekiness was the norm in the world. It’s not, and […]

Carving pumpkins

I’m tired and I’m going to go snuggle with Michael, but first I had to post about our pumpkin carving tonight. Every Halloween since we’ve been living together, Michael and I have taken pictures of us carving our pumpkins. Last year I noticed our 2002 pictures ended up being the first google hit for: pumpkin […]

Lasagne and breaking in Ed’s house

On Friday night I made some more spinach lasagne, and this time I was able to hold off for a few moments before scarfing it down to take some pictures: I think this was my best batch yet, yummie! Yesterday we headed over to ‘s place for his housewarming party. I had a really nice […]

Computers, books and fishes

My system is getting to a usable state again! Tonight I got alsa working. I seriously need a crash course in kernels and modules, it can’t be as complicated as I seem to make it out to be in my head, and yet just when I think I have something figured out I’m thrown a […]

It was a long week.

Work was relatively uneventful. I learned that they’re going to keep me until early-mid November. Apparently one woman wants to take a vacation, and another is going for a surgery, so they made sure to schedule all of it so that they could keep me the whole time, since training someone else would take time […]

A busy week: work, friends, lasagne

“Mew” *mumble* “Meow” “I’m sleeping!” “Meow” “Go away!” *sniff and thwap nose* *mumble* “Want to sleep” “Meeeooow!” “OK, I’m up!” Damn kitty alarm clock. You know what he does once I’m up? Sleeps on my lap, that’s where he is right now. I’m writing this in notepad. Why? Because the harddrive that linux on is […]

This past weekend

In case you weren’t aware, Michael rocks. This weekend he installed a radiator in our bathroom! We have oil heat, with big old radiators in each room (as seen here). There were two in the living room, one of which was poorly placed, and in the bathroom there was an electric heater. Bah electric! We […]