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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Anniversary and Birthday dinners

Now to move along with talking about how great parts of my week were. On Tuesday morning I drove myself into work. Michael had worked until 5:30am, so at 7:30 he wasn’t in the best shape to drive me in. Later that day I brought the car home, then went back to work. Michael picked […]

Munch passed away this morning %(

I’ve had a couple really kickass days, but I think I’ll save writing about those until tomorrow. Last night we came home from my birthday dinner, and I went to check mail and things, and Michael turned on the light in Munch‘s fishtank. He called to me and said he “wasn’t sure Munch would make […]

*tosses some confetti*

Today is my birthday. I’m 23. Yay! %)

Music that makes me ears bleed… and our 3 year anniversary is tomorrow!

I wish I had a time machine. Not to do anything profound, but so I could go back in time and kill Joan Osborne before recording that horrible “One of Us” song. I never much liked the song, and I remember the Baptist church that my mother dragged us to tore the song apart when […]

tomato sauce, froozyfox, and ripping mp3s in Windows

I made my tomato sauce yesterday, and I didn’t mess it up! To amuse myself I took pictures throughout the process. First I got together the canned/bottled ingredients. Then I chopped up a really large onion, which ended up being a TON of onion, and I was a bit concerned that it was too much, […]

Seeing friends, being lazy, and tomato sauce

Work yesterday was pretty good, the day went by quickly, it wasn’t too insanely busy, and I was out by 3 pm. One of the women I work with who lives near me offered me a ride home because I didn’t expect Michael to come until 4:30. It worked out nicely because Michael had to […]

Shaun the sheep

I changed my registrar for wallaceandgromit.net from gandi.net to godaddy.com this past weekend. I really loved gandi, their clean interface, unintrusive notification emails, it was a great registrar to work with, but since the exchange rates for dollar to euro started going up it’s just become too expensive. It cost me almost $15/year when I […]

life and laptops and fishes and food

The week goes by quicker when I’m working. Each day flies by, before I know it it’s time to go home and I only have a few hours of “playtime” before it’s time to sleep and work again. I know, welcome to reality, I’ve been spoiled for too long %) Star Wars came out on […]

Stuff I did this week, and the cat who attacks gummy bears

The work week went by quickly. After work on Thursday we went to Montgomeryville to check out the Keystone Hops Homebrew Club at the brew shop. Michael had been before, but I hadn’t. People bring their home brews and we taste test them all (“We DRINK and call it taste testing!”). I tried a couple […]

new cellphone and things

Well, it turns out that Michael’s contract with Sprint ran out in July. We figured we’d just add me to his plan, but we found out that doing that would be a bit expensive and we decided to look elsewhere. On Monday night he ordered a couple flip phones from Verizon. When we got home […]