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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

temping and I, Robot

Today was my forth day at work. Still not so bad, I can already see I’m better on the phone than I was before, and my multitasking skills are improving. It’s very busy, but that just means that the day goes by very quickly. Unfortunately today the other temp walked out. I honestly don’t understand […]

Misc stuff and Jeff Greinke concert!

Saturday was a good day. I finally got around to setting up the java chat option for xelium, and pulled together some php to make a simple nickname login so it doesn’t just assign an Anon nickname. A little after 4:30 we headed out, I needed to swing by the temp agency to drop off […]


Work was good today. It’s not as busy as it will be on Tuesday, so I was able to continue getting used to the whole thing. It’s amazing how much easier it all is when I stop trying to live up to the ridiculous expectations of perfection that I have a tendancy to hold myself […]

Day One

My brain is a little bit mushy, so if this isn’t coherent, just move along. I didn’t get a good night sleep last night. I foolishly stayed up late to watch a video game documentary on PBS (which ended up being not so good because they jumped around too much) until 11. Then of course […]

A change of plans

The temp agency I went to yesterday gave me a call and offered me a 2-5+ week job. It’s just customer service and taking orders (data entry) over the phone, but the place is local (Harleysville), the hours and pay were fine and the dresscode is casual. I decided to just go ahead and take […]

Driving, temp interview, and pancakes.

This morning Michael wasn’t feeling very well. His allergies had him up at 3 am, and while I was getting dressed this morning for my interview at the temp agency he asked me if I’d mind driving myself to the interview. Drive myself? I hadn’t driven since February 2003! I’ve had a license for nearly […]

Living in Windows, our weekend.

Ah Notepad. I haven’t used this program is a very long time, but I used to use it for everything. Writing my private journal, writing up HTML pages, keeping lists. I’ve spent a great deal of time in Windows this past week brushing up on my Office knowledge, and getting aquainted with everything again. I […]

Preparing for temp work

So, finding a job. I decided to cut down my extracurricular internet activities, so I’m not lurking in nearly as many dead irc channels as I was before, not contributing to F/OSS projects for now, not paying much attention to journals (including my own). It’s helped me focus some, but I’ve come to terms with […]

Teaching the ways of linux

A friend of mine is now living at a dorm in college, and he was very annoyed to learn that he couldn’t use mIRC. Apparently the school had blocked all IRC ports. Understandable, since filesharing on IRC networks has grown in popularity at colleges, I even know some people who really abuse their college connection […]


The Republican Convention starts today. There have been lots of protests. I thought about doing a rant about how annoyed I was with politics. But then I recalled a comic that a friend of mine showed me last week that summed up much of my current frustration rather well. Source: http://www.workingforchange.com/comic.cfm?itemid=17519 Of course my gripes […]