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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

I sold my Magic cards today…

I sold my Magic cards today. I thought I’d feel a bit sad about it, but I’m not. This is nothing like when I sold all my My Little Ponies. I thought about selling my cards all on ebay, figured I might get about around $40 on ebay, *including* shipping, and I didn’t want to […]

Job hunting, friends, and my kitty.

Some days when looking for a job seem horribly dismal and depressing. Some days when looking for a job are kickass and happy. I’ve had far too much of the former, but yesterday I had my first of the latter, and that put me in a really good mood. Of course I still don’t have […]

Javascript and my laptop.

After noticing that many employers listed “javascript” among the required scripting tools they were looking for I thought “Self, why don’t you know any javascript?” Answering this question goes back to my early days of making webpages. My first website was made on angelfire.com in 1998. It had some very cheesy elements, those horrible tiled […]

apache2, php, mysql and wordpress

I decided to spend some time this morning playing around with WordPress. I figured the experience with such a packaged php blog system would be good, having blogs imbedded in webpages is a popular thing. First thing I needed to do was get an apache server with php and mysql. Unfortunately for me no such […]

Atheist Goats

The following image is a screenshot from a section of http://objective.jesussave.us/kidz.html I am really not sure what to say, except they forgot to mention the part about how we eat babies. Yes, this site is serious, Michael clicked around it a bunch last night to make sure it wasn’t a joke. The spinning sheep head […]

My Laptop is wireless! and stuff.

The battle with my laptop + NIC is finally over! Final giant hurdle was earlier this week. Michael went ahead and started installing gentoo, and on one of the bootups it was going crazy kernel panicking. Then he couldn’t mount the drive or do anything to make it respond properly. Wheehoo dead harddrive! So he […]

Caligula loves boxes

I only had these cards out of this bigger box for about 2 minutes before he decided to climb in it and get comfy. At least he’s not eating the box. Also got this picture when I printed up an invoice, he was stalking the printer, I thought he was going to grab my paper […]

My books, binders and boxes full of gaming stuff…

I ended up with a pretty bad headache yesterday and got nothing done. I hate days like that, headaches are horrible and boring. You’re in pain and terribly bored, watching tv is the only reasonable option, and most of the time that hurts your head too. So Michael came home last night and just ordered […]

lousy weekend, looking for a job

It was not a good weekend. On Friday (the 13th, appropriately) Michael and I were sitting upstairs relaxing and watching some Red Dwarf after Michael’s tough week. I decided I wanted to eat a brownie, so we walked downstairs and I heard a water noise. THE FISHTANK HAD ANOTHER LEAK!!! F#@$#!!! Ok, so we somewhat […]

work, philly chix, laptop, froozyfox…

I had a good day yesterday. I ended up going into work with Michael because I had a philly chix meeting in the area at night, and having Michael drive all the way home to pick me up is silly. I parked myself at a computer in the corner and intended to do some reading […]