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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Change of diet and my silly laptop.

I haven’t really been in the mood to post lately. Not much to say really. We recently changed our diet a bit. As I’ve probably mentioned, this past winter was a bit rough for me, just stressful with so many changes going on, buying the new house and all. I got into bad eating habits, […]

Tortilla success and cleaning out the rusty barrel (with pictures!)

Yesterday was not such a good day. Lots of things went wrong and made me feel like an idiot. I thought about posting but it would have just been a miserable, sarcastic rant about how stupid I am. So as the crappy day wound down I thought I’d do some cooking, and hope I didn’t […]

#*$)#@ WIRELESS IN LINUX!! And Doom 3 %)

I got up a little after 6 this morning, made myself a cup of coffee and wandered upstairs. I decided that I was going to tackle my laptop’s wireless issues once and for all. 7 hours and a burned knoppix 3.4 cd (which didn’t work with my card either) later I was actually further from […]

Fishie and XFCE4 Apps

It’s still in the 80s. I put aside cleaning yesterday because it was just too hot to do any without being miserable, but pushed myself into doing a couple hours worth. It wasn’t any fun. I really don’t mind cleaning, but when it’s in the mid 80s it’s definately not my favorite thing to do. […]

meeting b2s, leaks, crankiness

We were pretty busy late yesterday. Around 4 we headed out to Michael’s brother’s house, where they were holding Michael’s nephew’s birthday party. So many little kids and family members whose names I can’t recall. We had a nice time though, even if I find it difficult to be very social at such things. Ended […]

Hanging out with mj.

Last night we ended up going over to ‘s place to hang out for a bit. The only time we’ve been seeing him in the recent past is at philly-chix meetings because he drove his former girlfriend to them. Now that she’s moved to Ohio we had no excuses to visit! So we just made […]

Cygwin and biscuits

Today I spent some time with cygwin. I’d say it’s a great attempt at putting unix stuff in Windows, but it’s far from perfect. The tool for installing it and adding packages is neat, but I ended up with some version problems after I installed screen and irssi. screen and irssi started up fine, which […]

Lilo bitmap image!

Unfortunately I spent a better part of the day doing it. The biggest problem I had was figuring out how many colors you really could reasonably use (16) and what colors you could use for the text. Eventually I found these out and didn’t have any trouble throwing together a boot page: Someday when I’m […]

Taking the steps to go wireless.

This weekend was pretty good. It wasn’t hot, so Michael and I got a lot of stuff done. The roof is almost completely patched now, only need a bit more super heat resistant roof caulking stuff to patch up the remaining hole around the chimney. I’m finally getting a new network card for my silly […]

A groundhog in my garden.

I was sitting in my bed yesterday evening, reading a new Linux book, when Caligula ran into the bedroom and jumped into the window, all puffy tailed. He was watching something that was in my garden, I assumed it was a bird, or a bug, or a chipmunk, squirrel maybe? But he kept examining this […]