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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

This entry brought to you by Oxycodone!

I got the wisdom teeth out yesterday morning. I’m happy to report that my first experience with general anesthesia was not a bad one, everything went smoothly. The only unfortunate hiccup that happened was misreading of my x-rays. Apparently when my dentist sent them over the sticker was on the wrong side, leading the surgeon […]

Some days…

Trip, teeth, UOW and parties

The weekend of the 20th Michael and I headed to West Virgina for our anniversary. It was a pretty mellow weekend, got to take a hike on Sunday, eat lots of amazing food and after finding Raiders of the Lost Ark in the video collection we took advantage of the free satellite broadband connection and […]

The week

Michael now has a date for his hip surgery: December 10th I got a 21″ monitor! They were getting rid of them at Michael’s office. It’s still a CRT, but it’s got less wear and tear on it than my 19″ – no more having to use a monitor that sometimes makes weird noises and […]


Monday evening I had a very bad headache. It was pretty obvious based on the pattern that had been developing with my toothache that this was caused by my lovely wisdom teeth. That evening I called another dentist in the area for an earlier appointment and canceled my October 18th appointment. I ended up with […]

New Toy!

Post w/specs from the fellow who gave it away. Michael snagged it as soon as the post hit the list. It’s a very nice little machine. My first thought was to toss Ubuntu on it, but Michael convinced me to give Solaris 10 a chance. This is probably a wise move, I could do with […]

Oh yeah, I have a blog. Teeth, anniversary, projects, friends

I haven’t been in the mood for posting at all lately. Work has been great, but a lot of stressful things have been happening that have caused my stress level to remain quite high. I don’t like to write when I’m stressed or otherwise too emotional because too often the posts end up either rambling […]

Today is my birthday!

I’m now 26. We’re headed out to the Victory FallFest to celebrate and Michael bought me a big ole carrot cake from Whole Foods – yum!


23:44:47 hehe, simcoe got a moth 23:45:47 they are fighting over it 23:47:15 caligula ate it

French Creek and Chaddsford Jazz Fest

It was a busy week, so I’m just now taking the time to sit down and write about last weekend. Saturday we ended up heading down to French Creek State Park to do a bit of hiking. It didn’t quite work out as we would have liked, as is often the case with these state […]