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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

It’s friday.

It feels so good to write pretty html and css for website, and have all sections validate properly on the first try. Especially when validation is the last thing on your mind when writing it. I think the contract work I did this year helped push my html and css skills further than anything in […]

Graphing calculator emulator, Caligula the Movie, dinner.

Back when I was a senior in High School I had an old Ti-82 graphing calculator. A friend of mine online showed me how to write basic programs for it and I had all sorts of fun with it. So while sitting in IRC the other day, and an acquaintance mentioned that he had a […]

Cats are fine, weekend stuff, books..

Cargo Kitty and Caligula seem to have sorted out their differences as the weekend progressed. They still scared each other from time to time, but they never hurt each other and seemed to even be calm while in the same room. At one point they were both sitting on the couch with me (Caligula glaring […]

Caligula and Cargo Kitties

Michael brought Cargo Kitty home from work yesterday. I’ve only introduced cats to each other a few times in my life, and it was always with very quick, positive results. When I was young our cats Garfield (neutered, about 1 year old) and Night (a young unneutered kitten) were buddies after a single evening together, […]

If it’s not one thing, it’s another.

It’s been very stormy this week. On Tuesday we got a thunderstorm so bad that there was a river in my yard. Last night we had nice size hail and decided to cancel going to Delaware to hang out with John because it was just too nasty out. Last night we also learned that our […]

Caligula hides behind books

Meeting another ambient music fan, making CD lists, rain.

I got up at 5:30 this morning, and stumbled into a conversation about Aphex Twin, specifically the Richard D. James album, which took an interesting turn. < Bibliomaniac> I am now very interested in hearing it. I really enjoy the Ambient Works CDs. pleia2, you heard these albums before? <+pleia2> Bibliomaniac: yeah, we have two […]

$145.29 per stitch

Bill One: from the hospital EMER RM WO/DOC LEV 3 – 502.00 TRAY/SET-SUTURE – 114.50 SUTURES – 32.50 NEOMYCIN/POLYMYX/BACITR – 1.00 Bill Two: from the ER doctor DR. HARRIS / ER EXAM-2 – 79.00 DR. HARRIS / WOUND REPAIR – 233.00 Bill Three: from local physician SUTURE REMOVAL – 55.00 Grand Total For 7 stitches: […]

Beans, friends and OS projects.

I went outside yesterday afternoon to check the mail and when I was coming in I was distracted by my veggie garden. It had veggies growing in it! Green beans! So I decided to pick some. I was pretty surprised with how well they had grown, considering that all I had really done to nuture […]

gpg, writing documentation, brushing up websites, munch’s site

These past couple days have been pretty productive computer wise, which is good because it’s been too hot to do much around the house. I got GPG set up and working nicely with mutt yesterday afternoon. I had tackled this about 8 months ago, learning lots about GPG, but then we moved our mail and […]