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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Happy Birthday Michael!

Today is Michael’s () birthday. Happy Birthday Michael! Since we went up to the Poconos this weekend and did the yummie dinner and cake thing there we aren’t really planning on anything today. Maybe just order a pizza or something. Yesterday was horribly horribly hot and humid. I hate that sort of weather. I did […]

Fahrenheit 9/11 and “The Truth”

I watched Fahrenheit 9/11 on Friday night. First of all, I’d like to say that I am happy that Michael Moore was able to enter popular culture, it’s good for an alternate viewpoint to make headlines. So I can respect him that much. And I liked Bowling for Columbine, even if I don’t entirely agree. […]

Pets, poconos, and movies.

I love having a cat. Caligula has been sleeping on my lap for half the afternoon and it’s so cute. And nice to have a little soft critter to snuggle. Pets rock. Tomorrow morning we’re going up to the poconos to do some hiking and relaxing. We’ll be coming back on Sunday because we don’t […]

More Bitlbee

So Bitlbee. I haven’t been this excited about a piece of software in a while. I am going to keep using it. Apparently what people told me about signing up with AIM is not true, “Leia 26” is exactly like “Leia26” and it’s just a formatting option, even if you sign up with “Leia 26″. […]

e-volution audio launched! Bitlbee, and “fitness water”

First of all, we finally got e-volutionaudio.com up on the web. This is pretty exciting, it’s a project that Steve, Evan and I have been working on for a couple months. It’s going to be a radio show website, our team will be writing radio “screenplays” and then having our group of professional voice actors […]

Removing mold (yuck!) and learning about gardening from a pro.

I spent a better part of the morning cleaning the bathroom walls. As I might have talked about in a previous post there was a bit of mold growing near the ceiling in the bathroom since we moved in that has been a serious pain to clean. It’s semi-gloss paint, and in the past I’ve […]

Gardening, FIsh, IRC, and Books.

It was a pretty typical Sunday. I did some work in my veggie garden and it seems the only things that are growing are the cucumbers and green beans, and they are growing all over the place, hee. Still no veggies yet, but I still need to wait a couple weeks. I hopped online a […]


When we first got Munch he had a rough couple of weeks. During these weeks he didn’t eat too much and I started to get worried. I did some searches online to find out the cause, and all I could find relating to them eating was to be careful not to overfeed them, because they […]

A very long day, UT, meeting online friends, irc server demise

*Takes a deep breath* Yesterday was quite a day. Everything I have to say is important, so I’ll just take it chronologically. I was going through email on Tuesday, and rediscovered an email sent to me about 3 weeks ago with instructions on how to install UT GOTY Edition in Redhat and Slackware. That made […]

This past weekend.

Well I was hardly online at all this weekend. Michael had a bunch of work to do on both Saturday and Sunday and we had a bunch of errands to run. Saturday morning I gave the vet a call because Caligula had a bit of a cough. We figured it was from the medication at […]