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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Apparently I’m quite stubborn when it comes to important change on my desktop. It took me months to switch to Gentoo after Michael said it kicked ass. It’s taken me a little while to try out the xfce4 window manager, despite Michael raving about how cool it is. I think I just don’t want to […]

It’s hot out.

It’s supposed to get up to 87 today. It’s been like this all week, hot, damp, and thunderstorms in the evening. I HATE this weather. We live in a damp area anyway, and on days like this I just want to go and hide in the air conditioned rooms forever. Then of course when I […]

Power outage, book reviews, updated #andor, crazy swedes…

This morning the power went out for over an hour and a half. I was able to shut down my computer, and Michael’s once I realized it would be more than a flicker. Shut down the power switch on our Windows box (poor thing isn’t on a UPS though!). I left the firewall (minute) running, […]

Caligula recovering, stitches out, yahoo vs gmail

We picked up Caligula from the vet last night around 6:30. I didn’t realize that I recognised Caligula’s meow until then, when they were bringing him up the hallway and I heard his little mew and I knew that was my kitty. Poor guy was all sleepy and out of it. He certainly wasn’t happy […]


Just got a call from the vet, Caligula made it through surgery fine, he’s doing well and we get to pick him up when Michael comes home %)

Cleaning gutters, Moody Monkey, The Washing Machine, Munch

It’s Caligula’s 6 month “birthday” today. We gave him some kitty milk this morning to celebrate. I hope he enjoyed it all, tomorrow he goes in to be neutered. Michael cleaned the gutters yesterday, I helped a little by holding the ladder and bringing the hose around. The gutters had these “gutter guards” which we […]

Feeling a bit better, gmail, phillychix photo

My head is feeling a bit better this morning. It’s just a dull ache as long as I’m sitting still, hurts when I squint or yawn or cough, or do other things to move the muscles around it. Michael picked up some antibiotic gel that contains some pain reliever, so I’m sure that’s doing a […]

I got 7 stitches just above my left eyebrow last night.

The short story: It was late, the bathroom floor was wet, I slipped and hit my head on the bathroom floor. the long story: Our new fish wasn’t doing so well, so after getting home from the philly chix meeting Michael decided to change a bunch of the water in the tank (maybe we had […]

New fish! And playing with litestep and gimp in Windows.

We picked up a bunch of fish supplies the other day while we were at the pet store. Some stuff to make the tap water safe for fishes, some other stuff, and a testing kit to test all sorts of chemical and ph levels in the water. So last night the water was looking good […]

New princessleia.com design! Phones, vets and speaking “tech” rather than english

After a couple friends decided to redo their own websites, I took a nice long look at princessleia.com and decided to take another stab at redesigning it. I pretty much scraped my entire old design. Since the site started out as a php nuke site (late 2001 as princessleia2.com)) the design kept being a morphed […]