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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Productive weekend.

This past weekend was exhaustingly productive. We didn’t end up painting. It’s crazy how many little things need to be done before undertaking such a project, I keep finding more little spots that need spackling then I need to wait for it to dry, then sand it, respackle if needed. We just want to make […]

OSX at work, and Opera 7.5

At work I finally gave in. After much resistance and stubbornness my computer at work is running Windows 2000 server. I’m not proud of this, and it’s actually a bit depressing, but I really can’t deal with linux there anymore. Compatibility issues were just taking up too much time, and then I went into work […]

That’s not glue…

When we first moved in we worked to get the basics cleaned in this house, quick top to bottom to make it livable for us. While I was cleaning the kitchen I took down one of the curtain rods to clean try and at least dust the top of the curtain. The curtain was stuck […]

Thoughts about my current place in life, spurred by and unexpected source…

I tend to be a bit strange when it comes to books. I have trouble getting rid of them, and unless there is something especially vile about them, I am reluctant to even trade them in at a used book store. So sometimes there will be a book on my shelf that will just one […]

Boring stuff I did today

Today I spent some time cleaning this computer room, getting the hardwood floor swept and looking nice, arranging the rest of the room so it wasn’t so cluttered. Things look much nicer now, though going over the floor with a damp mop might do it some good. I spend some time getting the screws and […]

Finished planting, yay!

I spent yesterday morning planting my vegetable garden. I planted a couple rows of beans, cucumbers, white onions, and carrots. Hopefully something will grow ;D The rows I created are probably wider than they need to be, and I left a bit on the edge of the garden empty just in case I want to […]

Saturday, friends and a book

Yesterday was nice. I read for a bit, and then we grabbed some sandwiches at a local pizzeria for lunch (not much to eat in the house, and neither of us felt like going grocery shopping). Afterwards we headed out to run some errands, the typical sort of thing. By the time we were done […]

I’ve lost faith in humanity, good thing we have chix meetings!

It’s not so hot today! Yay! Right now it’s only about 80 F (27 C), which is a nice break from the higher temps yesterday. I spent most of the morning doing normal cleaning and mopping. Caligula ended up being put in his room (our extra bedroom where Michael’s turntables and a bunch of Caligula’s […]

So .. hot .. but I got my garden done, just need to plant now!

It’s hot again today. I really wanted to get the garden plot finished today so I started early, got out there around 10 and was done by a little after noon. Oh boy it was hot out there! And putting the guard around took longer than I thought. But now it’s finished! And I took […]

Fixing and finishing things.

Yesterday ended up being quite productive. After going through the config files that needed updating in gentoo, I realized that one of them was an alsa config, oops. So I replaced that with the new one and wandered around gentoo’s site to go through the configuring directions for alsa to get it back to a […]