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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Headaches suck.

Thanks for the recommendations everyone, my “to be read” list is all nice and filled up again. I did some searching through the local library system as well and was happy to discover that many of them are in there, which is great since I really can’t afford to spend a lot of money on […]

Looking for book recommendations…

So I decided that I need some book recommendations. We all have a “to read” list, and amazingly mine is quite small these days. I keep going to the library and picking up random books that I think I might like, and that’s been hit or miss. I feel like I’m wasting my time with […]

The weekend.

On friday I managed to tackle the lawn. I had a bit of trouble starting the lawn mower, but then I thought “I spent all that time arguing that I’m not just a weak girl and I can mow the lawn myself, I’m not going to fail before I even get started!” So I eventually […]

Yard work.

So my troubles were all Gentoo-specific. I guess I’m just used to the way Debian does things, and then crazy Gentoo does stuff and throws me off balance, often making me think it’s something *I* screwed up. Bleh. I feel better about computers now… bad moods suck. Yesterday I did a lot with the veggie […]

Grumpy mood.

Computer suck and I hate them and they are always fucking broken! Ok, so I’m in a bad mood, it’s just one of those days when I really don’t want to be on the computer. Luckily it’s a beautiful outside so I am going to go play in the garden for a while. I finished […]

West Virginia vacation photo journal completed!

Ok, no long religion entry today. I spent a bunch of time yesterday pulling together a website about our vacation, journal entries from the whole trip, photos, I’m quite happy with it, you can check it out: http://www.princessleia.com/vacation/wv/. Of course Day Six was the coolest, and I was quite pleased with how many great (featured) […]

As requested… why I don’t believe in God.

I should probably put this in a more permanent place (like on my website, as it’s a work in progress), but for the sake of comments and discussion, I’ll first publish it here. Disclaimer: The following is a basic rundown of my religious beliefs. I don’t seek to convert or offend anyone. Of course I […]

I’m home!

I’m back. I knew I’d be swamped with stuff to do when I got back, I have all this stuff going on that I completely dropped for a week in West Virginina. Well it was worth it, the vacation was amazing. We took over 200 pictures, so I need to spend quite a bit of […]

Leaving for vacation!

Caligula has been dropped off at Michael’s mother’s. Just about everything is packed. Have directions in hand. Leaving in just a few minutes. Yay vacation in West Virginia! I’ll be back on the 30th. Take care everyone. *runs off*

Our digital camera came!

We got our digital camera today, woohoo! Next day shipping rocks. I unpacked it and ran off to take a few test shots: which are here. I’m quite happy with it so far, it’s so much better than our old camera %) And you can take little movies! I got a little movie of Caligula […]