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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

xzip, dvds, Caligula’s vet visit, hanging out with Nita, pictures of Caligula’s new tag!

Let’s start with monday. Monday I did a bunch of cleaning. In the afternoon I was thinking about Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and remembered that there had been an old text game from 1984. It was Zork-like and I had never played it! So I did a quick google search and found this site: […]

Saturday Night’s LAN party.

I’m definately sober now. As briefly mentioned when I posted the link for the pictures, the LAN party was fun. And oh boy, it’s been a very long time since I’ve had that much to drink. Our friend Bob came over in the afternoon to ride with us over to the party, and he wanted […]

It’s noon, we lost an hour last night. The LAN party rocked. It was held at and ‘s place. I got to meet a couple of new people, one of whom I think I recall seeing at a PLUG meeting once. came with canned Guinness, it was the first time I had ever tried the […]

GloFish and …snow?!

I met my first genetically engineered fish the other day. It was a Red Glow Danio, or GloFish, according to the local pet store website: New on the market. These fish actually glow in the dark under black lights or atinic blue lights. These fish have been genetically altered using jellyfish and/or anenome DNA. You […]

I should have learned long ago that I can’t “just read the introduction to” a Douglas Adams book. I’m a Douglas Adams fan, his books have me in tears from laughing so hard. When I found a copy of Salmon of Doubt at the library last night I HAD to take it out and push […]

I said that Caligula was getting bigger, but then I went over to see Cargo this afternoon. Cargo is freaking huge! I’m so used to having a kitten that a cat is quite a shock %) I guess I can rest assured that Caligula has plenty of time still as a little kitten. I’m at […]

I had a sinus headache most of the day, which was a bit of a bummer. It’s almost gone now. I hate headaches like that, advil doesn’t touch them and I feel very tempted to nap. If I nap I’ll never sleep tonight. If I stay awake, what is there to do? Since blabbering on […]

Caligula is getting bigger. When we got him on the 11th I had no trouble just picking him up with one hand to move him, now it requires two and he’s not happy at all about it. I did a bit more yard work yesterday. I decided that I like gardening but I don’t like […]

Matrix 3, my new interest in gardening (with pictures), grocery stores.

I watched the 3rd Matrix movie last night. The first 1/3 of it sucked, I was groaning the whole time while they did much of the same crap that made me hate the second one so much. All standing around and talking, trying to be all profound by speaking slowly and saying stupidly obvious thingszzZZZZzzzz. […]

We didn’t end up going to the LAN party yesterday, we just though it’d be better to hang around here and enjoy a relaxing saturday. Besides, we never got around to buying UT2k4, and that’s probably what they would have wanted to play the whole time (rightfully so). Michael built a fire, and I spent […]