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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

(More kitten pictures) Today has been nice. This morning it was a bit cloudy, but come afternoon the temp was up to 72 and it was sunny out. I needed to return some library books before monday, so I grabbed my Intel laptop bag (sans laptop) and walked up to the library after lunch. The […]

Arr, where’s me grog?! scummvm rocks… the new xchat and opera don’t.

Did more cleaning with that wonderful Lime Out (I said Lime Away before, but I was mistaken). Last night Michael did some great work with it on the bathroom sink and the showerhead. This morning I did the sink again when he said it might need it again, and it looks really nice! All that […]

I decided to take some time today to write some scripts for R2D2, now he has: You can look up what country an internet country code stands for: -@PrincessLeia2- !country aq -@R2D2- AQ: Antarctica And vice versa: -@PrincessLeia2- !code Antarctica -@R2D2- AQ: Antarctica Then I decided to do some more standard-metric conversions (before just had […]

Jesus spam, a jesus movie, and cleaning the dishwasher.

I have all sorts of things to do today, but I have had so many things on my mind that I had to take a break and write. Today I went out to the mailbox, seemed to be the usual bunch of junk, but then I noticed some church spam, then another piece of church […]

Our night last night at the brewless brewery.

Yesterday evening we had our friends Ed and Kelly over. They recently got married, so we wanted to take them out for a congratulations dinner. Besides, it had been a while since we had seen them, they wanted to meet Caligula, and they hadn’t see the house yet. We were planning on going to the […]

Today, and evolution.

I’m not sure what our plans are for today, there are a feuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigho0000000000000000000000000000ytygtdfkkkkkk Ok, lets try this again without a kitten mauling me to get my bagel. I’m not sure what our plans are for today, there are a few possibilites. We invited a couple friends over to see Caligula and our new house and […]

Tale of a DVD-ROM drive

I have a crankie DVD-ROM drive. It’s always been crankie and I didn’t remember how crankie it was until this morning. I had this computer built for my by a local computer shop up in Portland, Maine in the spring of 1999. I bought it with an old DVD rom drive, which probably cost me […]

Coupling, vet visit, and we’re getting more snow, yay!

A friend of ours from Sweden is always sending us movies and shows he finds amusing. His taste is generally consistant with ours so it’s always enjoyable to us. However, when he offered to send us the first two seasons of Coupling i was skeptical. I became familiar with it through some news article about […]

Caligula settling in, the !weather on R2D2 goes international, and irssi is top client in #13thHour

Caligula seems to be calming down more. He still walks around an meows a bit, but not nearly as much as before. For the most part he’s letting us sleep through the whole night now, when he does wake up he leaves the bed and room to go play. He seems to be quite fond […]

Caligula comes home! (Pictures!)

We left home to pick up Caligula a little after 1 on the afternoon of Saturday the 13th. The drive out there was a bit longer than we expected because of the horrible Philadelphia traffic, but the drive through New Jersey really wasn’t bad at all. We had no trouble finding the breeder’s house (thanks […]