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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Napkins, Books and a VPS

We switched to cloth napkins last week. Paper napkins are one of those things that were always in my house growing up and it never dawned on me until recently that they weren’t the most eco-friendly things in the world. Since we go to the gym everyday we’re doing laundry at least every other day, […]

Elephant Lady

Yesterday was a total waste, spent until 4PM in bed with an upset stomach. I think it was something in the food at Crabby Larry’s that didn’t agree with me. My stomach is way too sensitive, this is the second time this summer I’ve gotten sick after eating food that was perfectly fine for everyone […]

Philadelphia Folk Festival

Michael and I went to the Philadelphia Folk Festival this past weekend. Both of us took off Friday and we headed down in the afternoon to check out the opening acts. Our plan was to walk there, since it’s only 2.5 miles from our house, but on our way walking there a very nice couple […]

Last weekend

I’ve been so busy, and now I’m squeezing in a few moments before heading back to the Folk Fest to write this! The Ubuntu BBQ wasn’t the only thing I was doing last weekend – quite the contrary, which is part of why I’m so busy :) Saturday morning we packed up the truck with […]

Cats, outings, computers and deer

Yesterday it was hot and humid, apparently we’re in the middle of the worst heatwave of the summer. You wouldn’t know it by looking at the cats though: Snuggled on the couch when it’s over 90F out and humid? Crazies. Speaking of cats, Caligula appears to be almost all better, hooray! The tail injury must […]

Linked in and Firefox plugins

The last thing I need is another social networking site (so I haven’t signed up for facebook) but lately I’ve started using my LinkedIn account. So I might as well flesh it out, lets link up: http://www.linkedin.com/in/elizabethbevilacqua We had a few friends over Saturday night, and somewhere in the conversation mct mentioned that he used […]


Caligula appears to be feeling much better. He was walking around yesterday with little trouble and finally able to move his tail, even if it is still leaning to the left. I’m so glad it wasn’t something worse. I’m still in pain though. What? Oh yeah, sunburn. It’s feeling worse today than it was yesterday, […]

HD, beer and animals

Been busy lately, and free evenings have primarily been spent just chilling out with Michael and a movie or two. Thursday evening was spent at a PLUG West meeting, where Amul Shah did a presentation on HD and Linux. He’s obviously done TONS of research on the subject, as his slides were packed with links […]

Pleasant weekend and misc stuff

It’s been a pleasant weekend. The weather is hovering in high 70s, low 80s with very little humidity. I ended up filling my mp3 player with podcasts yesterday and spending 3 hours tending to my gardens. Afterwards I cut up a bunch of fruit we had around the house and was feeling so domestic that […]

Wii, fests and weather

Sunday I did end up having a couple friends over. It was fun, they brought their Wii and after some failed attempts by myself to play Tennis we switched to Mario Party 8, which was so dripping in cute that I fell in love. Alas, I will not be searching all the local stores to […]