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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Kitten pictures!! Divs, and IRC…

I didn’t have much work to do at work yesterday, and so I took the opportunity to dive into Designing Without Tables Using Css (site). Now this book has it’s problems (namely that it’s actual lack of content when it comes to advanced designing without tables using css *grin*) but I needed to brush up […]

Your system is too SLOW to play this!

I decided to try and install mplayer on my laptop. The install went flawlessly, although the compile of mplayer took about 45 minutes, gah! It only took about 2 minutes on my 2.0 ghz home computer. I wanted to do the install because a friend of mine was sending me some older Nova episodes that […]

Spontaneous Crystallization

Tonight I was sitting at my desk with my laptop, chatting in IRC and surfing the web, and I heard a loud bang from downstairs. It sort of sounded like someone had knocked on the door really hard, and I thought maybe Michael had come home and needed me to unlock the door because he […]

I was sitting around this morning listening to another Hooverphonic album (Hooverphonic Presents Jackie Cane) that a friend of mine sent to me yesterday. The friend who sent it to me was from the US and that got me wondering if they were popular here in the States. My exposure to music these days is […]

Touchpad fixed! IRC servers, and my article published on ufology.org.uk

My laptop touchpad is all better now! Michael helped me sort out the ancient documentation for tpconfig to figure out what exactly I needed from the kernel for it to work properly. So tpconfig installed easily from apt, and then a recompile of my kernel so that the proper option was selected (since it was […]

Mailmen, touchpads, and a fellow who can’t RTFM.

I finally have a mailman who PICKS UP mail! Back when I lived in Maine the mailman always would pick up mail if you had the flag up, I assumed this was half of his job. When I moved to upstate New York I quickly became used to never having the mailman pick up my […]

Last night we went right home after work. Michael changed the locks on the door (well, whole door knob and dead bolt) as the realtor had suggested, and I headed upstairs to put some bookshelves together. It was the same deal as my desk, a “Part A is used with screw 1H and inserted in…” […]

All operating systems suck!

Everyone knows I hate Windows. I could list pages of reasons, but I’ve recently found myself in an unfortunate position. I work as a web developer, and people at my job use Windows, myself and the network admin are the only ones who use linux. The people here are used to sharing Word docs, .psd […]

Computer room toys.

Sunday we decided to head out to do some shopping before dinner. We just needed to go to a couple stores to pick up little things, folders for organizing the bills in my desk, picture frames for some lithographs that I had kept packed away for years, dishtowels forthe kitchen. I don’t really like shopping, […]

Online at home!

Yep, I’m online at home again. Our network is half set up, the basics are done so our workstations aren’t naked on the net %) Unfortunately my computer doesn’t really have an OS on it, since Michael was going to help me with a Gentoo install and then got busy with work. It’s ok though, […]