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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

My weekend, cats, and lovely Gentoo

I heard on the news recently that “web logs” have, for the first time, been a “big thing” in a presidential election, and politics in general. Well it seems I got a taste of that with my last entry! It really is a wonderful platform for discussion, and I enjoy arguing with smart people %) […]

Rants and muttering on a cold day.

I have all sorts of things to talk and complain about today. I think it’s the weather, this bitter cold has got me into a tired mood. Weather, I’ll start off with that. It’s been cold. When it first dropped into the 20s I laughed at the news people who were going on and on […]

New Hometown

http://www.city-data.com/city/Schwenksville-Pennsylvania.html (this site rocks). This is the town I will be living in. Population (year 2000): 1,693 Neat. Of course the only picture on that site of the town is a view of the nuclear power plant cooling towers that are in nearby Limerick. Speaking of which, while visiting Michael’s friend Bill this weekend, he […]

This week was probably one of the worst I’ve had in a very long time.

Offline Entry, Posted Jan 21, 2004 Hmm, I went online and posted an entry about it already. Long days, a lot of stress, bad news concerning my health, it’s just been a mess. Friday night we ended up staying at work until nearly 11 because Michael had so much work to do. People were coming […]

“My Last Two Weeks”

I’ve been writing entries offline on my laptop a couple times a week, I’ll get around to putting them up once we’re settled in our new place just so there isn’t a huge hole in this journal, but for now since I’m online I’ll just give a brief update. Things have been difficult. Not the […]

It’s a New Year!

Offline Entry, Posted Jan 21, 2004 And as I expected things are starting off nicely. The LAN party on New Years Eve was fun, we got there around 8, were able to hang out with all our friends, eat some yummie pizza and snacks, and I brought along my laptop here so that I could […]

Happy New Year!

Offline Entry, Posted Jan 21, 2004 It’s New Years Eve, we’re going to head over to Barry and Rae’s for a LAN party soon. This past weekend we went up to the Poconos. It was a nice short trip, very relaxing %) Got to spend some time by the fire, hang out in the nice […]

Christmas was nice.

Offline Entry, Posted Jan 21, 2004 Christmas Eve we headed into work for a little bit so Michael could get some information he needed for the mortgage paperwork. We left there around 4, came back to Mom’s, and then headed out to Quakertown where Michael’s father’s side of the family was celebrating. I had a […]

It’s Christmas Eve.

Offline Entry, Posted Jan 21, 2004 It’s 56 degrees out and drizzling, not exactly the perfect weather, in fact, this bedroom is rather warm instead of it’s usual chilliness. I guess part of that has to do with all the computers up here now too. Michael got a little bored the other day and wanted […]

My past couple weeks.

I’m at work. Michael had to come in to do a few things, and my options were either stay home with his mother and do Christmas decorating, or come into work and play online. It wasn’t a difficult decision. I have had a few hours of internet playtime! Unfortunately for my journal people most of […]