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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

It’s been a long week.

Offline entry, posted Jan 21, 2004 We moved in with Michael’s mother on Sunday. I don’t enjoy moving, does anyone? Trying to carry things that are heavy and bulky for an entire afternoon isn’t any fun. Strangely, the couch and the desk weren’t even the heaviest things, it was the nice box of records that […]

We are buying a house!

(more pictures and specific information here) We started looking for a house in August of 2002, when it came to our attention that our lease would be running out in December, because of how this community operates we would need to tell them if we intended to stay or sign another year-long lease by mid […]

Work and Open Source woes.

Today was my second day of work. I’ve certainly been busy, I’ll be working full time there until the end of the year, after which they will review all the upcoming work and see if they actually want to bring me onboard as a full time person. A real job! That would be great. No, […]

december, freezope, work tomorrow…

-!- You’re now known as PrincesSleigha2 -!- R2D2 is now known as R2einD2eer It’s December 1st. I had plenty to do today, so it was actually a fast, pleasant, monday. Got up, packed up some clothes that we won’t need for the rest of the week, packed up some knick-knacks from around the apartment, did […]

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about moving and starting the new job. It’s stressing me out, I can’t help it. Sigh. And some people just make it worse. The LAN party last night wasn’t so great as far as LAN parties go, but all I really wanted was to get away […]

mmm leftovers, packing, preparing to work and party

Thanksgiving was great. We went over to Myk’s mother’s house and spent the holiday with his mother, grandmother, mother’s boyfriend and his son. The dinner was so so so yummie. I’m definately more comfortable around his family now, helped out making the salad and doing dishes. Feeling comfortable is good. My starting date for working […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

I love food, so Thanksgiving is a good day for me. And it’s a wonderful excuse to eat lots of pie. Mmmm. This will be my third Thanksgiving with Myk, yay! The first one was spent when I still lived in New York. He came up to visit me for the four day weekend. That’s […]

~, real work w/Zope, krumbachs, my new R2 page, froozy themes, cookies, etc.

My home directory is up to two gigs again. I don’t know how this happens, I guess it’s not a serious problem as far as harddrive space is concerned (I have a 40 gig harddrive), but we do nightly backups and it’s a bit of a pain to have to backup stuff that I don’t […]

cleaning after Cargo, R2D2, L.L. Bean

I spent most of today cleaning and doing laundry (still a load in the washer actually). This is the only downside to having Cargo Kitty over for the weekend %) It’s ok though, I was able to get lots of cleaning out of the way that I’d need to do anyway before we move. I […]

laptop, perl, irc server

Well first off, on friday I got some more ram for my laptop. It’s a 512 chip, and it works with my laptop, however the laptop only will see 128 mb of the chip. I pretty much expected this, since all the documentation about my laptop has said “it can take built in 32 + […]