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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Cargo is over for the weekend, it’s so wonderful having him around %) There is this little beanie lizard that I have that he “stole” last time he was here, he loves that toy, I keep seeing him walk by with it in his mouth like it’s something he caught, it’s so cute. Gah, he […]

IRC Nostalgia and The Office

Reading through the whole buffer of #13thHour when returning to my computer in the morning has become somewhat impossible, but sometimes I skim through it if I feel so inclined. I noticed someone with the nickname “Tchaikovsky” dropped by #13thHour last night, she used to go by Tearus. Now I remembered her, that she was […]

new screenshot, and packing up my books

I watched a great episode of Nova last night about the reversal of the earth’s magnetic field. In part of it they explored Glatzmaier-Roberts geodynamo model which showed the reversal. I thought “hey, that looks pretty cool, I should think about using that as my new background image since I need a change. So today […]

Diversifying the learning process, and chocolatey popcorn

Today I got quite a bit of work done. Recently I have been thinking of many things I would like to learn, I’ll come across something (CVS for instance) and say “you know, I really should know that” and stuff that thought into the back of my brain. Well I got a lot of it […]

I hate IE! Went to see Master and Commander… and stuff

I would have posted this yesterday if my net connection hadn’t died *stabs Comcast* I hate Internet Explorer. It fails to follow standard techniques to determine the content type of a file. This caused a lot of trouble for me today, since Zope’s method of defining the content type is standard. My pages worked properly […]

zope on apache, and my day yesterday… mmm brownie sundae

I got zope running on apache this morning, I was having a lot of trouble at first, using this how-to because it says to put certain info in one section of the httpd.conf file, but it really needed to be added in another, after the modules are loaded. Of course it took me a while […]

more about zope… it can run on apache!

I was looking around yesterday for more stuff I could do with Zope that would “look neat and impressive” and I discovered DevShed.com’s Zope Section. This is a collection of guides talking about the basics of DTML, to the basic of page templates (which I REALLY need to work on) to getting Zope to work […]

Philly Chix meeting, and “you look like someone who would be from Maine”

It’s sunny today, but still windy. It’s not as windy as it was yesterday, the downed trees from that wind caused quite a problem for people driving home last night. Luckily we didn’t encounter any problems while driving down to the philly chix meeting last night. Erin picked me up yesteday evening around 7. The […]

I feel good today. This morning I was able to tackle the user security stuff that was driving me nuts in Zope. It seems my trouble had a lot to do with mozilla and opera caching too much information, so even when I restarted them the users weren’t working properly, so I’d change user attributes […]

*insert something interesting here*

I think my trouble with writing this past week was my mood. Each time I had some time to write I just wanted to complain about something, and I complain too much, and often it’s stupid stuff. I haven’t exactly gotten out of the complaining mood, but I have progressed a bit so that my […]