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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

i have a cold, and more zope stuff…

Well I never did end up doing anything particularly interesting this weekend. Unfortunately that was mostly because I was sick. Yep, I got caught by the demon of colds. I probably should have expected it, with the change in weather and all. Today I’m feeling a bit better, I could actually breath a little better […]

Just some unimportant ramblings…

I guess I just haven’t been in a writing mood lately. Yesterday, let’s see. I got up, did the weekly cleaning for a couple hours, did some more studying zope stuff. Took breaks to look through my mp3s, I had a lot of crap in there, and there was some stuff that I never listen […]

More learning, more people that annoy me, nice rainy weather.

I didn’t say anything yesterday, so I probably should today. I spent a lot of time today with Zope. Ignored IRC more than usual (by actually making myself not have it open) and focused completely on stuff I needed to work on. I got it playing nicely with MySQL, it’s all pretty neat. I have […]

mplayer how-to in french, miserable day, more zope, new shoes.

Today started off nicely. I got two emails about my mplayer how-to, both thanking me for it. One of them was an offer from someone to host a french translation on their website! It was quite flattering. They emailed me back this afternoon with a link to their page: http://ernest.cheska.net/mplayer/mplayer.shtml. Unfortunately for some reason I […]

I hate mondays, To Kill A Mocking Bird, and my laptop

Today has been a stupid day. Not entirely surprising, since it’s a monday, but still frustrating. I spent most of the morning cleaning the apartment, all day doing laundry, and what else? Not much. I can’t seem to focus on one thing for more than a few minutes. Maybe it’s this abnormal weather that’s making […]

A beautiful weekend, and I got to see Brother Bear!

Yesterday was nice. I did some reading, learned some more about Zope, the documentation on it is quite extensive, I’m very pleased, but it also makes it a bit difficult to choose exactly what I want to learn ;) We called a friend of ours to see if he wanted to go out for food, […]

Yesterday, Annette, and a rant about grammar

I got an email back from my cousin Melissa. She gave me the phone number of her friend who needs a website, so I called and left a message. He called me back and said he’d be ready to let me know about his ideas and ask questions he needed to ask sometime next week. […]

Happy Halloween! I always dress up as a witch. And reconnecting with family.

Happy Halloween! I love this holiday. I emailed a few members of my family this morning to show them the pumpkin carving pictures. First my cousin Audrey emailed me back. Audrey, her sister Barbara, her brother Alex, and her parents lived in Georgia. Growing up in Maine we didn’t see them much. In fact, I […]

An old friend, and pumpkin carving pictures!

An old friend emailed me recently. I had remembered her quite fondly, and then as I got back into exchanging emails with her I realized that she wasn’t like I had remembered at all, and we were never really as close as I remembered. I guess it was just because she was one of those […]

a new record! notebooks, zope, balloons and the west wing

I’ve now officially been in this relationship with Myk longer than I’ve ever been in any other romatic relationship (I had already long surpassed the longest time “happy in a relationship” mark). 2 years, 1 month, 1 day. That makes me feel really good. Last night was again quite uneventful. We were going to carve […]