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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

mplayer how-to redone, and some zope.

Last night was uneventful. This morning I did some work with some mysql databases. Then dove into messing around with mplayer. You see, yesterday I got an email about mplayer, he turned out to be mistaken in his critique of my how-to, but he did make a valid point about one section of the how-to […]

Last night, DC picture, Xelium IRC

I went back to bed after writing that entry yesterday. Didn’t wake up until Myk got out of bed at 2 pm. I did some reading, finished Frankenstein and I’m almost done with Witches Abroad. Then around 3:30 we headed up to see a house that a friend of ours is selling. It was still […]

Disappointment In Washington DC, but not a total loss…

The trip to Washington DC to meet the DC Chix was a bit of a failure. We were able to get out of the Philadelphia area around 10 am like we had planned. Most of the drive down was very easy, and it being a Saturday morning the traffic was minimal. Around 12:20ish we arrived […]

hotwings dripping with sauce, and the dc trip tomorrow

o/` Tangerine Dream – Legend Soundtrack o/` Late yesterday afternoon I got a chance to talk to a friend of mine on the phone. He calls me about once a month, tells me about how his life is, how his girlfriend is, how college is. It’s nice, even if we COULD just talk online. I […]

Doom and the wonderful intarweb ;)

o/` Portishead – Wandering Star o/` It’s been a very thursday thursday. Last night we watched the West Wing. It was on and NBC didn’t do anything to screw it up, yay! It was a nice evening. This morning I caught up on some email. Someone in #13thHour was trying to install prboom (a clone […]

Boring daily stuff.

o/` Nine Inch Nails – Head Like A Hole o/` Yesterday was alright. Did some looking around for more houses in the area, just looking at our options. Found a lot of doubles, townhouses and condos. It took up a significant amount of time yesterday. When I got bored or frustrated with that I’d take […]

Another haircut, movies, holidays, and ice cream made with splenda.

o/` The Cure – Lovesong o/` I got my hair cut again. I was going to just get it cut to a little above my shoulders so it wouldn’t always look so messy. I got to the haircut place and the woman asked “would you like to donate it?” I didn’t think I’d have enough […]

I have a lot of google juice. Maybe too much, my guestbook keeps getting spammed. No, there is no such thing as too much google juice. I discovered the other day that I’m the second hit on google for: pumpkin carving pictures. The page that it’s referring to is just a bunch of pictures of […]

I’m unhappy with my country.

Did I support the war? Not at first, I am sure I wrote journal entries against it. But then I was (mis)lead to believe that Iraq was a real immediate threat and I relucantly conceded that it might be worth taking care of. It turns out that it was not, they KNEW it was not, […]


o/` Johnny Cash – Hurt o/` I played around with the google API today. It was lots of fun %) I ended up writing a script for my irc bot. Not that it’ll be used much, but it’s really the only perl thing I currently have running that I could test it on.. -PrincesSlaya2- !google […]