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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

the dishwasher, google, and I got a real chain letter!

I cleaned the dishwasher with bleach, tried all sorts of things. Then Myk did a lot more cleaning last night. It still smells bad *sigh* I did some more dishes, tried once again to clean the plastic that was in the dishwasher when the spatula burned. Not much luck, they still all stink, after HOURS […]

Somtimes it smells bad here.

o/` Peter Murphy – Socrates The Python o/` I didn’t do much on Sunday. Did some reading, did some knitting while watching TV. At 8 we watched TCM because each sunday this month they’re showing older horror movies, this week was “Horror of Dracula” and “Dracula, Prince of Darkness” … the first was good, but […]

o/` Tears For Fears – Head Over Heels o/` Yesterday was uneventful. The LAN party was cancelled because the host was sick %( We just stayed home, I did lots of reading. I have a pile of about six books I’m reading, ranging from classic mythology to programming, to history to Frankenstein. I find that […]

apoligies, shopping, irssi perl scripting, and glow-in-the-dark beer bottles!

o/` Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack o/` Yesterday I felt very good. No more depression that was bugging me this past weekend and earlier this week, yay! With that new found good mood I took the time to explain the “politics” of the xelium IRC network to the new ircop (yes, the one I complained about). […]

customer service, philly chix, gimp filters, religion, shopping…

o/` The Cure – A Forest o/` Since I last posted Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected governor of California. I’d rather not get into my thoughts at this, I think two quotes in IRC recently sum it up quite well: –Time– The government should just put the polls in the local Blockbuster video stores since that’s […]

“I hate people. People make me pro-nuclear” -Margaret Smith, Stand-up Comedian

o/` Stabbing Westward – Crushing Me o/` I worked on R2D2 the irssi bot a little today. A friend of mine discovered how to get it to respond to actions, the key was that actions are a ctcp, I had never fully explored this theory. So now: * PrincesSlaya2 pats R2D666 on his bot head […]

My weekend, and stuff.

o/` The Cure – The Walk o/` Friday after I posted my entry I got a knock on the door. When I got to it no one was there but there were a couple boxes on my doorstep. Puzzled, I brought them inside and saw that they were addressed to me. From “Pearson Education” I […]

o/` Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack o/` Myk bought me this soundtrack for my birthday. I had it once before but a roommate of mine swiped it and I didn’t notice until after I had moved out. I was disappointed, but it’s great to have it again! I made oggs of it the other day, now […]

Google, houses, and halloween!

For my birthday one of my presents from Myk was Google Hacks. It’s so cool. After Myk gave it to me I was so excited that I just had to do some google searches with some of the things I had learned. I didn’t know about “link:” searches, so I tried it on some of […]

Ever have a day where it feels like everything you do or say is making you look like a moron? I’m having one of those days… I spoke to both my parents last night. My mother seems to be doing fine, ‘cept that she had to get off the phone when her husband asked who […]