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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

I didn’t just miss that…

Oh the horror. I just checked my neglected Satellite News box in my @gmail.com address and was shocked to find the following email: From: Chris Cornell To: mst3kinfo@topica.com Subject: MST3K Info: Blobfest And a reminder… If you happen to be in the Phoenixville, Pa., area and are a fan of the movie The Blob, you […]

House to myself weekend

Michael left Thursday evening for the dance retreat where he’s supporting a Sun-Moon dancer at the Birdsong Peace Chamber through Monday. Amazingly, this will be only the second time we’ve been apart for more than a couple days since I moved in 5 1/2 years ago, the first time being when I skipped up to […]

Birthday, Beer and the Gym

Friday was Michael’s birthday. I spent the evening home with the cats and a couple good books. He ended up heading out for the evening to build the fire and be the rock carrier for the monthly men’s sweat lodge down in Malvern as a way to spend his birthday in service. While he was […]

Calling Vegetarians!

After some major problems with headaches this spring Michael went in for some blood work. It all came back fine except for one thing – his cholesterol. What?! We didn’t eat the greatest over this past winter (both of us put on a few pounds), but we still didn’t eat fast food aside from pizza […]

Battleships on the 4th of July

On the 4th of July I didn’t really have plans until the evening before when mentioned that the Battleship Farragut was in the Philadelphia port for the 4th of July holiday and giving tours. Cool. I love boats and ships, when I was in high school I grabbed extra history credits (of which I had […]

Beer in a Grocery Store

Most of you have heard me complain about the bizarre liquor laws in PA. You can only buy hard liquor and wine in state stores that have restricted hours and only a handful of which are open on Sunday. Beer is only sold by the case at Beer Stores, except for at restaurants and bars […]

Happy Birthday Michael!

Yay!! Happy Birthday myn, love you (:

Poison Ivy

Our campsite last weekend was crawling with poison ivy, a fact I only learned after I had walked all through it in my sandals to put up my tent. I have never been good at identifying plants, and just didn’t realize what it was. 5 days went by following the trip where I didn’t realize […]


Friday night Michael suggested we head out to Marsh Creek State Park to do some kayaking over the weekend. Cool. A couple of friends with kayaks recommended the location, and after hitting the website Saturday morning to check out rental rates we packed up a few items to bring along for our day out. We […]

Email migration (gory details)

My email has been moved a few times over these past few years, just ask my boss, I think two migrations happened while I was doing contract work before I was hired, he must think we do email migrations for fun! Michael has been running qmail on a Gentoo machine for much of this time, […]