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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

I had a great weekend.

o/` Miranda Sex Garden – Close to the Sky o/` I love when Myk has a long weekend. It turned out to be quite nice, and eventful despite our lack of plans. Saturday evening we decided to head out to Joseph’s for pizza. While we were there Myk noticed a message on his voicemail that […]

dumb people with firecrackers and spending time with friends

o/` Bel Canto – Dreaming Girl o/` Yesterday was eventful. In the evening I was making and early dinner when I heard some popping noise outside. At first we thought it was just some kids in the park near our place throwing little firecrackers. Then Myk went outside and saw that someone was throwing them […]

o/` Star Wars: A New Hope Special Edition Soundtrack o/` I’ve been listening to a lot of soundtracks lately. Last night was nice, had some chicken for dinner, sat around with Myk and watched an episode of MST3K that we had on tape. Played around with my laptop for a bit, and Myk helped me […]

o/` Hunchback Of Notre Dame Soundtrack o/` I love Ciabatta bread. We bought some last night to have our boca burgers on, mmmm, it was a nice dinner. Also got a couple little chocolate cakes. We bought these things at a Whole Foods market, which specializes in having fresh and healthy foods, well these cakes […]

apt-rpm and bengal cats

o/` Jack’s Lament – Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack o/` A friend of mine asked me to help him install irssi this afternoon. What is he on? Redhat 9 *arrg* all I could think of was a few of my previous rpm experiences and I just *hoped* that irssi wouldnt require anything that wasn’t already installed. […]

I complain about people too much… but only because they deserve it!

o/` All About Eve – Tuesday’s Child o/` They cut the grass outside today. This afternoon I broke down and decided to take some benadryl so I wouldn’t feel miserable. Of course now I’m drowsy and can’t think properly. I logged into r2q5 this afternoon and wanted to make it see my .dir_colors file so […]

a productive day

o/` Aladdin Soundtrack o/` Today ahh… today. Allergies again, I should take some benadryl but I really wanted to get some things done, and I can’t if I’m drowsy. I decided that I wanted to rewrite the weatherbot. That Geo::Weather module is out-dated, and I could completely be rid of it and parse the page […]

My laptop wins.

o/` Bel Canto – Kloeberdanz o/` Yesterday was a good day. It was beautiful out so we opened up the windows. I spent some of the afternoon reading, started the second book in Orson Scott Card’s Homecoming series. I then went on my laptop and messed around for a while, dropped into chat a bit. […]

Meeting Cousins

Yesterday evening we met my cousin Melissa for dinner at The Drafting Room. She found it on time, even if MapQuest’s directions were less than perfect. Unfortunately it turns out she doesnt drink much anymore, doh! Finest beer place near here and she doesn’t drink. Oh well. We had a nice time, spent about 3 […]

o/` Depeche Mode – Enjoy The Silence o/` *sneeze* Ugh… I’ve been doing that all morning. This evening we’re going to head down to the Drafting Room in Exton to meet my cousin Melissa for dinner. It should be nice, the restaurant is pretty easy to find so hopefully she’ll make it alright. Hopefully we […]