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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

o/` Duran Duran – Come Undone o/` Well luckily I did manage to get to the Philly Chix meeting wednesday night, my friend mjoseph (boyfriend of another one of the chix) offered to drive me since he was going so he could take his girlfriend home. Great! It was really nice of him to go […]

Usually I don’t post quizzes and things, but this was funny…: My LiveJournal Sitcom princessleia2! (TNN, 10:30): princessleia2 (Brittany Murphy) cheats on a test, and sentroid91 (Dave Coulier) finds out. Later that day, huzzahman3000 (Jeremy Irons) and punkbunty (Robert De Niro) build a shed at the theatre. In the next town over, blondetornado (Brad Pitt) […]

o/` Peter Murphy-All Night Long o/` Updated the #13thHour page a bit yesterday, I’m adding some new members to the members page as soon as they get around to filling our surveys, separated the pictures sections a bit so that members who don’t come around much anymore are on a second page (as most people […]

o/` Bjork – Possibly Maybe o/` Myk spent a great portion of the weekend getting stuff all set up for our server, and created r2q5.xelium.net to replace the server on the cobalt which goes away at the end of the month, they are both connected now so the /map looks like: clockbot.xelium.net (11) `-ice.xelium.net (164) […]

o/` Loreena McKennitt – Dantes Prayer o/` Happy 10th Birthday Debian! Yep, today is Debian’s birthday. The PLUG Picnic next weekend is partially celebrating this as well. I don’t think we’re going to the picnic, last year it sucked, and it’s in a scary park in the city %) They are also having a “bar […]

“People were shorter back then” … Cargo is coming over this weekend!

o/` Bel Canto – Rumour o/` I watched a show on PBS (this link is worth clicking on, PBS really impresses me with how they provide relatively extensive websites for some of their programming) the other night about how a fungus growing on rye might have been the cause for many of the salem witch […]

Stupid friend troubles… and organizing the files in my home directory, yay

o/` Mono – Life In Mono o/` I have this friend. Over the past few months we’ve gotten to know each other better. Spent some time helping him set up a channel on xelium and have had a lot of fun. I’ve talked to him about issues he’s had with a girl he’s attracted to […]

The US Postal Service thinks that Opera 5.0 is better than 6.03

o/` Depeche Mode – Enjoy The Silence o/` ‘LovSan’ Worm Crawls Into Philly’s City Hall – Many Workers Sent Home After Virus Infects Computers *chuckles* Nothing like a worm like this to show how little most people know about computers. Well, thanks to escapenguin I now know that the -sh option in wterm (shaded transparency) […]

Hahaha Windows worm… I wonder if thinkgeek.com sells teleporters

o/` BOA – Anna Maria o/` Yesterday was ok. After my burst of caffeine that I had earlier in the day I quickly became to realize that I really hadn’t had much sleep the night before and I was exhausted. I spent most of the afternoon having trouble focusing on anything. I was working up […]

Coffee, IRC, and the West Wing

o/` Klaus Schulze – Totem o/` I hate mondays. Luckily this monday I have coffee, that coffee maker makes good coffee. I gave it up for a while after our coffee maker broke, and I felt good. But I really do love the taste of coffee, and it’s such a wonderful warm happy feeling when […]