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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

#deep13 … and the rest of my day

I am increasingly finding myself displeased with a channel I chat in, #deep13. I by no means wish to put the channel down, or discourage people from chatting there by this post, but it’s causing me trouble and I need to vent about it. I had dropped by the channel several times in the past, […]

litestep, coffee makers, and fake pepperoni

o/` Star’s End Radio Broadcast o/` I don’t think I’ve every written and entry this late (early?) before. A friend was in #13thHour recently and talking about Litestep. Now litestep is an alternative shell for the win32 operating system. I tried it back in 1999 when I was here in Philadelphia for the summer. It […]

o/` Sarah Mclachlan – I Love You o/` Yesterday was a bad day. I had reason to be in a lousy mood, but the depression sorta took over and put me into a miserable mood. I wanted someone to talk to but the few people I trust enough to Talk we either not around or […]

Minesweeper, god damn blockbuster! and writing perl modules…

o/` Craig Armstrong – Lets Go Out Tonight o/` Hm… Yesterday was fairly uneventful. I had a bit of a headache so most of the day I just chilled out and puttered around. A friend of mine has recently been playing a lot of minesweeper when she gets bored at work, so, missing that silly […]

New perl irssi script, my cousin has cancer, 100 no wait.. 80 things about me.

o/` Miranda Sex Garden – Inferno o/` Cargo kitty went home this morning *sniff* I miss him already! I don’t miss the furry mess he made though, I spent the morning cleaning the apartment, I’m still doing laundry %) We had a nice weekend with him, he slept in our bed with us at night, […]

I got new pens… and other stuff I did yesterday

o/` Soul Coughing – Screenwriter’s Blues o/` I wonder what I did before I kept a journal. Where did I pour all these thoughts, ideas, and stuff? I probably bugged my friends directly with these things until they were bored to sleep. At least this way they can *choose* what to read, hehe. I got […]

We have Cargo Kitty over for the weekend again, yay! This afternoon we’re going to head out for “lunch” (around 4 pm) with some guys Myk used to work with. It should be fun %) Now I’m going to go play with Cargo! *wanders off*

I love friday.

o/` Peter Gabriel – Before Night Falls o/` I didn’t really have plans today. Cleaned the apartment like I do every friday til about noon. Ended up talking with another op in #WheelOfTime for a bit, and we decided that it might be cool to expand the channel’s interests to other fantasy books. I haven’t […]

More problems with my father… oh, and xzgv rocks

o/` Better Than Ezra – The Killer Inside o/` I got an email from my sister last night. It was a reply to me emailing and asking how things have been with my father. Now I haven’t written anything about this situation in a while, so I’ll write up a little background for people who […]

UFOs, plugger, meatless meat and free shell accounts…

o/` BOA – Little Miss o/` I was contacted by the owner of ufology.org.uk today. It’s a UK “ufo” site that has about 400 members on the mailing list, they talk about all sorts of paranormal UFOish things including personal experiences, articles, studies, etc. He wanted to ask me if he could put my extraterrestrials: […]