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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Heh.. some people..!

o/` Stabbing Westward – I Remember o/` I just looked at the top 10 movies on Yahoo! out of those 10 only one got an A-range score by critics, Finding Nemo. Yes, after 9 weeks it is still on the top ten (#8) and probably the best movie in the theater right now. What a […]

My webpage has moved! … and old age

o/` Moby – When It’s Cold I’d Like To Die o/` Well, the webpages are moved and set up on the new box. You can definately tell that they’re on a T3 now %) I’m very excited about this! Of course I won’t take advantage of it in any way, but it’ll be nice for […]

The laptop and the party…

o/` Great Expectations Score o/` On friday night Myk spent a bunch of time on my stupid Compaq laptop. We had both done a bit of research into what it would take to get Debian on it, and it turns out that it would have been a bit of a nightmare. Even getting past the […]

o/` Peter Murphy – No Home Without Its Sire o/` I finally broke down and gave my livejournal name to a few people I’ve met in real life through Myk. I’ve explained before my rationalization for being so shy about it. I’m an expert rationalizer. It wasn’t until a discussion with Myk the other night […]

o/` Miranda Sex Garden – Sleeping Beauty o/` One of my sisters is turning 20 today, and so is Jodilicious. Cool. I still havent met anyone with my same *exact* birthday. Happy Birthday Heather and Jodi! I was able to talk to Heather today. She came into #13thHour this morning to ask for some advice […]

o/` The Cure – Play For Today o/` “I’m not supposed to tell you this but…” This began some rather shocking insight today about a friend of mine. I sorta laughed it off and moved on in the conversation like it hadn’t been said, but it’s always awkward when news is delivered this way. Sometimes […]

o/` Frank Sinatra – As Time Goes By o/` Yesterday and this morning I spent time finishing up the rough draft of the php backend for the comic webpage. Now I need to write up some way to do the comics archive. I am not completely sure how I’ll do it yet, but that’s ok […]

o/` Mediaeval Baebes – Lick The Maypole o/` -!- BirthdayBot changed the topic of #13thHour to: ` – . – ` – Happy Birthday Escapenguin!!! – ` – . – ` I love perl scripts that remember birthdays for me. Happy Birthday escapenguin! Well I didn’t end up snuggling up in a comforter and reading […]

o/` Loreena McKennitt – Dantes Prayer o/` Someone called me Hermione this weekend and I didn’t know what they were talking about. I should really read the Harry Potter books sometime. Myk has been setting up the new webserver, R2Q5, this weekend. It’ll be running as our mailserver, webserver and IRC server eventually, which is […]

o/` Legend Soundtrack o/` Xelium hit 500 users today… currently at 515. Nice. #13thHour has been doing quite well lately too. For the longest time I’d go in there and be able to read everything from when I was gone quite easily. Now… gah the buffer sometimes barely reaches that far %) I am not […]