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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

o/` Bjork – Pagan Poetry o/` Yesterday I spent a good deal of the day working on the webpage for the #StarWars channel on xelium. It’s not a big channel, 6 regulars and a few people who drop by only from time to time. The owner knew nothing about making a webpage, and when he […]

o/` Jonn Serrie – Star Shower o/` I was going to write something thoughtful, but I decided that I’m not really in the mood. Yesterday was decent. Finished Return Of The King for the nth time. I have been rereading the books preparing for the movie at the end of the year that I’m really […]

o/` Enigma – Principles Of Lust o/` I recently got into a conversation with a friend of mine concerning his girlfriend who is in a wheelchair. He told me that another friend of his had known her online, known about her and was actually emotionally attracted to her, until he found out she was in […]

o/` Peter Gabriel – The Feeling Begins o/` I learned more about GPG today. Enough so I felt comfortable generating my own key (Public Key). My friends madragoran and mjoseph helped me out summore. I was able to send a signed and encrypted email to mjoseph and madragoran sent me one that I was able […]

“Ok, cool. Wait, what?” – My crash course in PGP/GPG

I had a gpg key last year. Myk made it for me and said “here is a gpg key” … at the time (Aprilish 2002) I was so preoccupied with other things that I just put it into the “I’ll learn it later” pile. Of course that’s obviously a bad idea. In that time we […]

o/` Tears For Fears – Break It Down Again o/` Spoiled American Brats. Maybe they just get on my nerves more than they used to, or maybe I really have been running into more of them. Just this morning this one kid in IRC started complaining and saying he hated his parents because they wouldn’t […]

o/` Matchbox 20 – Last Beautiful Girl o/` Well I’m back from vacation. We got back yesterday afternoon, but I said I was still on computer vacation so all I did was check my email and hop onto IRC and tell people I wasnt eaten by deer while in the Poconos. On thursday we packed […]

o/` Better Than Ezra – Extra Ordinary o/` We’re leaving this evening for the Poconos. Hopefully the irc server will be up and ready to go by this evening… deep13.xelium.net will be up and working properly even if clockbot’s upgrade doesnt go smooth enough, so just connect there if you have problems with the first […]

o/` Lost Highway Soundtrack o/` Story Time! Cellphone Shopping We have a couple hundred dollars to invest in a cellphone, you’d think it would be easy to just go into a cellphone store and buy one right? We left home around 6:30 to start shopping First we went to the AT&T store. It was difficult […]

o/` Fisher – Good Intentions o/` Last night… last night. Ah, we are upgrading the irc server to beta17 this week, and clockbot is moving to a new computer, ah! This means there is a server change AND a DNS change going on that will probably comprimise connections for a couple days. I emailed everyone […]