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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

o/` Stabbing Westward – The Only Thing o/` Well Myk got the extra computer we had running the other night. It’s the one I had thought about using as a “test box” until we realized that the contract we had for the colo box is running out in august and we needed a box to […]

o/` BOA – Little Miss o/` I was wandering through access logs, and found some neat google searches that lead people to my site: 1st hit: mplayer win32 lyrics- tell me all your thoughts Isabella d’Este quotes usr/lib/win32 deb bind windows keys “miranda sex garden” live pictures mplayer quicktime “how to” 2nd hit: starwars quotes […]

o/` God Ate My Homework – Insomniac’s Nightmare o/` Microsoft To Spammers: We’re Coming After You This scares me. Not because I’m a spammer of course, but because of actions that AOL has already taken in the spam arena, and I can see that going much much further. As I have complained about before, AOL […]

o/` Fisher – Believe In Something o/` A friend of ours sent an mp3 of some guy comparing the Bush regime to the world of 1984. While it was amusing, I am not quite at a point where I want to believe that. Maybe I’m just being unreasonably optimistic. Well they mentioned the “Ministry of […]

o/` Trent Reznor – Videodrones: Questions – Lost Highway Soundtrack o/` I love Wallace and Gromit. This is part of a screenshot from the new short at AtomFilms.com. It requires Microsoft’s plugin for the media *sigh* so you will need to be in windows to see it. Only 3 more shorts to go! They are […]

o/` Nine Inch Nails – Reptile o/` I managed to finish the #13thHour news section today! #13thHour News It’s still in the testing stages, so it might have some problems… but all #13thHour people are welcome to make posts and comments, it will be helpful to me, especially if you find a problem. I also […]

o/` Garbage – #1 Crush o/` Yeah, I ripped the Romeo and Juliet soundtrack today, purely nostalgia. I wanted to remember my teenage angsty years. This cd to ogg project takes a long time. I want to do it all from the command line so I’m using abcde, and it’s slow %) I havent been […]

o/` Dido – Don’t Think Of Me o/` First of all: Lan Party Pictures The LAN party on sunday rocked! Sometimes I am very disappointed by lan parties, but this was not one of those times… Things went nicely, it was a good balance of friends hanging out and gameplay. We had enough food, we […]

o/` Peter Murphy – Marlene Dietrich’s Favourite Poem o/` Well I havent written up book reviews in a while… so here goes: The Fellowship Of The Ring, By J. R. R. Tolkien, 527 pages I am writing this review upon finishing this book for the 3rd or 4th time, it’s that good… This is the […]

o/` Stabbing Westward – Shame o/` I guess this just wasnt meant to be my week to get much acomplished. After writing that entry yesterday I went and took a shower. I got out of the shower, walked into my bedroom and saw a BIG spider. ACK! Ok.. I’m not as afraid of spiders as […]