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Archive for the ‘work’ Category

Seeking a new role

Today I was notified that I am being laid off from the upstream OpenStack Infrastructure job I have through HPE. It’s a workforce reduction and our whole team at HPE was hit. I love this job. I work with a great team on the OpenStack Infrastructure team. HPE has treated me very well, supporting travel […]

The Migration of OpenStack Translations to Zanata

The OpenStack infrastructure team that I’m part of provides tooling for OpenStack developers, translators, documentation writers and more. One of the commitments the OpenStack Infrastructure team has to the project, as outlined in our scope, is: All of the software that we run is open source, and its configuration is public. Like the rest of […]

The OpenStack Ops mid-cycle, PLUG and Ubuntu & Debian gatherings

In the tail end of August I made my way down to Palo Alto for a day to attend the OpenStack Operators Mid-cycle event. I missed the first day because I wasn’t feeling well post-travel, but the second day gave me plenty of time to attend a few discussions and sync up with colleagues. My […]

“The Year Without Pants” and OpenStack work

As I’ve talked about before, the team I work on at HP is a collection of folks scattered all over the world, working from home and hacking on OpenStack together. We’re joined by hundreds of other people from dozens of companies doing the same, or similar. This year our team at HP kicked off an […]

A Career in FOSS at Fosscon in Philadelphia, August 9th

After years fueled by hobbyist passion, I’ve been really excited to see how work that many of my peers and I have been doing in open source has grown into us having serious technical careers these past few years. Whether you’re a programmer, community manager, systems administrator like me or other type of technologist, familiarity […]

May 3rd keynote and talk at LOPSA East

I’ve had a very busy year so far talk-wise. Back in January I gave a handful of sysadmin focused talks at Linux.conf.au in Perth, Western Australia. In February I did similar at the Southern California Linux Expo. In May I’ll be drifting slightly away from a Linux-only crowd to present at LOPSA-East in New Brunswick, […]

A couple articles, PyCon and a keynote in Croatia

It’s hard to believe that January is already over. It was quite the full month with my trip to Perth and then a lot of work and project stuff happening. Looking at my calendar for the year I seem to have a pretty full schedule, during which I’m also dying to squeeze in a visit […]

Open Source Sysadmin: Reorganization of the OpenStack Infrastructure Docs

In January I joined the OpenStack Infrastructure team, which manages the continuous integration system for the project, as well as several other applications and sites that the project uses on a day to day basis. My favorite part about all of this is while I’ve spent several years using open source software in my sysadmin […]

OpenStack Design Summit days 3-4

Wednesday morning started off with a Women of OpenStack breakfast where I happened to sit down next to Leslie Hawthorn without realizing it until we introduced ourselves, so that was a pleasant surprise! We’d both been intending to meet for some time. The table we were at also had a couple engineers working on OpenStack […]

OpenStack Design Summit days 1-2

Since my new job is working with the OpenStack infrastructure team, I am able to attend the OpenStack Design Summit this week in Portland, Oregon! I woke up just before 4AM on Monday to take a 6:15AM flight to Portland, putting me in Portland shortly after 8AM and to the conference center around 9AM, at […]