It was a good weekend, still is a good weekend.
On Saturday I spent part of the morning organizing my desk area. I have two computers, hour, my primary workstation, and r2q5 which I use for a test box. hour and my UPS were beside my desk, and r2q5 was taking up room under my desk near my legs, and the wires were just a mess:

Plus, I had two monitors, which was needlessly excessive because my big monitor has a second input. So I put the second monitor away, unplugged all my wires, moved r2q5 next to my desk with hour, and made it all look nice:

Late Saturday morning I went out to the grocery store to pick up some rolls for lunch, when I pulled in the driveway a van pulled up behind me. It turned out to be the mailman who had a box for us. It was the rhizomes that Michael ordered from! I put them in the refrigerator until we had time to plan out their placement in our yard and plant them.
In the late afternoon we decided to have some beers. Then some more beers. Then watch Carinvale and have more beers and some absinth. See where this is going? We both got pretty wasted, but we had fun, even if we went to bed at 8pm.
Today we mostly just hung out here at home. I wasn’t in the mood to do friend things, and was pretty tired from the night before (I think I got up a dozen times and drank a gallon of water last night, hah!). In the afternoon we started to plan out our hop garden, decided that we’d tie the thin rope that the hops will grow up to the side of the garage roof, then stake it into the ground so the hops have plenty of room to grow up. We headed out to Lowes in Quakertown to get the stuff we needed for that, and a few other things we needed.
I really started feeling how tired I was while at Lowes, just followed Michael around to get what we needed, and yawned a lot. We decided to get a taller ladder, which had to be tied to the roof of the Rav4 to get it home, and I picked up some AA batteries for my new wireless USB mouse. It was a good shopping trip.
Once back home we started putting together our hop garden. Unfortunately Michael’s drill was at work so we couldn’t put up the ropes. We were able to plant the rhizomes and put in the stakes, so we’re well on our way to having home grown hops. I’m pretty excited %) I’ll have to take pictures throughout the process.
This evening we headed over to Chiaros in Skippack for dinner. Yummie chicken stromboli.
And now we’re going to get our pajamas on watch a few more episode of Carnivale.