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Quotes for community.ubuntu.com

Earlier this year I worked with the team that launched our shiny new community.ubuntu.com site.



I had a couple of tasks aside from general review. The first was getting more images on the site prior to launch to make it more engaging to people. I reached out to LoCo teams and got a lot of great photos in, but then got very busy. My second task, finding quotes of community members, got stuck on my poor, long to do list.

But now I shall continue my quest! We need short, 1-2 sentence, quotes from community members.

What do you work on and why?

Or perhaps:

What inspires you about Ubuntu?

Email me: lyz@ubuntu.com

Please include the name which you want to be credited under for the quote, and what you work on if it’s not part of the quote.

We’d like to scatter these quotes throughout the site, so feedback from folks from a variety of teams will be super valuable. Once I’ve collected all the quotes I’ll submit the full list to the team and get to work adding them to the site.