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Accidental Philly staycation

As I wrote in my last post, a COVID infection sweeping through our house meant we had to cancel our trip to Florida. I thought about canceling my time off at work too, but I had already shifted my schedule around at work, and I needed a vacation, so I kept it. Plus, our au pair (Gaby) was still working, having taken vacation herself in early June, so I could rely on her for primary care-taking of the kids.

This meant I had some time to catch up on some reading and writing, even using my typewriters a bit! I was able to take long showers, leisurely get ready for my day, and enjoy hot coffee, all of which tends to take a backseat most days as I’m rushing around with work and kid stuff. I was on primary duty for all errands and picking up food, since MJ was still recovering from COVID, so it wasn’t all carefree time, but those were made easier by not having to rush around to squeeze them in before/after work. I also cleared out some of the garage of stuff we wanted to donate, going back all the way to 2016, including an ancient laser printer after learning that Staples does electronic recycling.

Taking this time for myself and projects was incredibly valuable. I’m reminded yet again that when I slow down and take a little time for myself, I become a much better partner, mother, friend, everything. I’m more patient and thoughtful and everything becomes easier, even the really hard stuff.

But all that was just half my day! The rest of my day was spent enjoying quality time with the boys.

On Monday morning we went to a local playground, and then to a nearby library that we’d never been to after we saw their sign advertising story time at 10:30AM. There, Gaby took Aaron to the story time with all the other kids while Adam and I explored the library, played a game, and found a couple video games to check out.

Tuesday we went over to the nearby Churchville Nature Center where we got a membership. I’d been trying to find something for us to do that was the right mix of local (not just generic kid stuff), not too far away, and that the boys would love. A nature center checked all the boxes, and this was a great one. We began indoors at several exhibits they have in their main building, including several live snakes and tortoises, along with a bunch of stuffed animals that were local and from across North America.

From there we went outside, where it was hot (it’s been hot all summer) but nice and shaded in their nature path.

Finally the gem of our visit: the butterflies! This is the one paid area of the center, and it was totally worth it. They help the butterflies through their breeding cycle by protecting them from the elements and keeping their chrysalises safe in enclosed little tents until they emerge.

On Wednesday we made our way out to our local library for play and story time, and then an outdoor chalk and bubbles event. Aaron enjoyed the story time with the other kids while Gaby and Adam explored the rest of the library. Once it was time to go outdoors, Aaron was the grand master artist just like he is in our driveway at home as he drew all over the entrance sidewalk to the library.

Most kids went Adam’s route and played with bubbles, which was a lot of fun, even in the hot weather.

On Thursday I got a sunburn. It wasn’t intentional, I just wasn’t diligent about reapplying sunscreen while playing in a pool for four hours. Said pool was at our friend’s place in New Jersey, and I’d been trying to get over to see them all summer, but they also have two little kids and getting good schedule alignment was difficult. We finally made it though! It was wonderful to catch up with my friends, but the boys also loved the pool. They’ve been doing swimming lessons this summer, but they hadn’t really had free-play time in a pool. As expected, they loved it, and my friends were prepared for having a couple new-to-swimming kiddos in the pool by blocking off the deep end.

I’m still tremendously disappointed that we couldn’t visit our family in Florida this summer, but this week with the boys has been one for the record books. Taking it slow, enjoying local adventures and time with friends. Growing up is not all about the big adventures, and neither is life. I only wish we could do more of this.