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I got my pink DS Lite!

pink ds!

YAY! Thank you Michael!

I actually got the DS earlier this week, but I didn’t open the box from Amazon until I got home from work last night. I’m in love. I’ve never owned a hand held game machine before, and this is a nice one! I was up until past 10 playing with it, Michael played with it for about 20 minutes and was all “oooh this is so addictive” – and we were just playing New Super Mario Brothers!

I don’t know how this gaming machine compares to anything Nintendo put since the NES, but I totally feel like us original NES generation people are the target market for these things. I was so delighted to see old Super Mario Brothers 1, 3 and the original Zelda on the top screen and hear the music for those while playing the marathon version of Tetris on the DS. I feel so comfortable with this Mario and the Tetris already, having games so similar to the ones I grew up with at my fingertips!

I’ll be firing up Animal Crossing: Wild World after I finish this entry.

And my boss, the attentive person she is, bought me a gift certificate to Toys R Us. In passing I had told her that I was getting one (we were talking about how much her son loved video games) and she wanted to get me a game for my birthday but didn’t know which one – so Toys R Us gift card! It was really sweet of her %) The women at work also brought in a bunch of food and a giant carrot cake to celebrate my birthday (no doubt they enjoyed it too, a nice diversion from the insanity that was year end).

Michael also got me a giant chocolate bar, a very cute card, and took me out to Sly Fox (no, he’s not cheap and boring bringing me to the place we always go to – I didn’t get home from work until 7 last night and I was too tired to go anywhere nicer or further from home).

It was a good birthday – and now we’re getting ready to head up to Easton for the Lehigh Valley Brewfest – I’m so excited!